Suggestion 2: Feminist/liberalist model - Creating surrogacy facilities in low cost countries and state funded boarding homes domestically 

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Suggestion 2: Feminist/liberalist model - Creating surrogacy facilities in low cost countries and state funded boarding homes domestically


The following suggestion can only be applied in a highly pragmatical and rational society that isn’t bound by the paralyzing grasp of today’s cultural Marxist non-ethics.


An alternative which would prevent the need to restrict women’s rights and media rights would be to allow the state to play an essential role in national reproduction. This would mean allowing European Federation women to continue their current path toward liberating themselves from the pressure of carrying offspring.


This would involve the creation of a network of surrogacy facilities in low cost countries and basically “outsource breeding”. A gestational surrogate carrier refers to a woman who carries a pregnancy created by the egg and sperm of two other individuals by using IVF[1].


IVF or in vitro fertilisation is a process by which egg cells are fertilised by sperm outside the womb, in vitrio. IVF is traditionally a major treatment in infertility when other methods of assisted reproductive technology have failed. The process involves hormonally controlling the ovulatory process, removing ova (eggs) from the woman's ovaries and letting sperm fertilise them in a fluid medium. The fertilised egg (zygote) is then transferred to the patient's uterus with the intent to establish a successful pregnancy. The first "test tube baby", Louise Brown, was born in 1978. IVF can also be used when parents want to have multiple births. The first pregnancy achieved with the use of donor eggs was reported in 1984. By using in vitro fertilisation (IVF) techniques, eggs are obtained from the ovaries of the donor, fertilised by sperm from the other donor, and the resulting embryo's are placed into the surrogate's uterus. If pregnancy is achieved, the resulting child will be genetically related to the two donors but not to the surrogate.


Who will care for these children? Career obsessed women who does not prioritise reproduction is not likely to have the will to care for these surrogacy babies either so there would not be enough foster parents.



The state role as “foster parents”


The only alternative would be that the state, or state funded institutions take on the role for fostering these children. This is how the arrangements could work:


A large facility or a so called “boarding home” is created which is divided into 5 separate areas:



- Kindergarden boarding home (age 0-6)

- Primary school boarding home (age 6-12)

- Secondary school boarding home (age 12-16)

- High school boarding home (age 16-19)

- College/university boarding home (age 19-25)



Describing the complete process - example:


6 babies, 3 boys – 3 girls, are delivered to the boarding home during the first 6 months of the year, 6 more babies, 3 boys – 3 girls, are delivered during the next 6 months.


The first 6 are assigned a specific surname, f example Andersson and two full time “parents/guardians”, one male and one female. From now on, these 6 babies are considered brothers and sisters. Together with their two “parents/guardians” they are considered a unique family, and will not be separated for the rest of their lives. These two full time employees (one male, one female) who will act as their parents/guardians will follow them throughout their lives.


This setup will facilitate and encourage close bonding as they will do as many activities as possible together to ensure a stable and warm relationship allowing the development of trust, friendship and “family ties”.



Year 0-6 – kindergarden: 08.00-16.00


Kindergarden facility: The Kindergarden facility will be separated from the kindergarden boarding home facility and will have a pre-defined number of employees depending on number of children.


Kindergarden boarding home: There will be 1 full time caretaker for every 10 or 20 children who will stay/work at the boarding home in case of sickness etc. If a child is sick she or he will care for the child at the boarding home facility.




The “mother” and “dad” may be available at the same time or may arrange their schedule so the times are somewhat overlapping. This model will be used for the 4 other homes.



- Primary school boarding home (age 6-12)

- Secondary school boarding home (age 12-16)

- High school boarding home (age 16-19)

- College/university boarding home (age 19-25)



In addition to the assigned and financially compensated “mum/dad” there may be additional fostering services added such as the opportunity for childless career oriented individuals to adopt a family (6 children) and spend time with them on a weekly basis and/or during holidays.



How many of these boarding facilities will be required to sustain the birth deficit of a country?


That will depend on which policies the regime chooses to implement relating to reproduction. If we are not interested in the “50s model” and instead continue with “business as usual” with a fertility rates of 1,5 we will require many surrogate and boarding home facilities.


Example country


A country of 5 000 000 with a fertility rate of 1,5 would have a birth rate of approximately 9,72 births/1000 population annually:


9,72 x 5000 = 48 600 annual births.


In order for the same country to reach a fertility rate of 2,1 it would need to have an annual birth rate of 15,73/1000 population:


15,73 x 5000 = 78 650 annual births.



The annual birth deficit for this country is therefore 30 050.


In other words, each year 30 050 babies will have to be ordered from surrogate facilities in low cost countries and delivered to the kindergarden boarding homes.


Every male/female donor will reproduce a maximum of 100 children. As such, there will be a requirement of at least 300 donors annually (for the reproduction of 30 000 children) depending on the desired restriction ratio to prevent future inbreeding effects.


This will be a large industry requiring a parent/guardian work force of at least 10 000 (2 full time employees per 6 children).


However, the above “reproduction industry” will ensure that the country has a sustainable fertility rate of 2,1 which can be adjusted should the women of that country decide to be a little more like Madonna or the women in “sex and the city”. Most importantly, that country will not be depending on any immigration at all.

Donor Recruitment


This option is usually arranged through established egg/sperm donation programs. Existing European programs must be drastically increased to facilitate large-scale programs. Women in IVF programs may forward their excess eggs to other surrogates. One donor should however not donate more than 100 eggs/sperm doses to avoid potential future inbreeding effects. This number may be adjusted based on distribution area. All donors will be compensated financially for their expenses, time, risk, and inconvenience associated with the process.



Selecting and screening egg/sperm donors


All egg and sperm donors must be screened according to high pre-defined standards including genetic diseases. Optimally, the donors should score high in interpersonal, verbal-linguistic, logical-mathematical, intrapersonal and visual-spatial intelligence tests[2] and be of the indigenous group (French genotype in France, Italian in Italy, Nordic in Scandinavia etc.).





A surrogate is a woman who carries a pregnancy for another woman. The first surrogate pregnancy occurred in the United States in 1985. Gestational carrier refers to a woman who carries a pregnancy created by the egg and sperm of two other individuals. This process involves IVF. In this case, the gestational carrier is not genetically related to the child.


Setting up surrogate facilities in low cost countries


Anonymous surrogates can be arranged through existing surrogate programs such as f example the Organisation of Parents Through Surrogacy (OPTS). However, considering the potentially large scale of this project, dedicated surrogate facilities should be created in select low cost countries. Surrogates will be anonymous and are compensated for their services according to market rates.



Screening Surrogates


Surrogacy guidelines are not as well established as they are for donor sperm and donor eggs. The ideal surrogate is relatively young, has previously carried a pregnancy without complications, and does not have any habits, such as smoking, alcohol, or illicit drug use, risky sexual behaviour, or medical disorders such as diabetes or Rh sensitisation, that could jeopardise the health of the fetus. A complete medical history and physical exam should be performed as well as screening for infectious diseases. An evaluation of the surrogate's uterus may also be recommended, and psychological evaluation is strongly recommended.


Surrogacy programs vary in the amount of information given about the surrogate. Some programs offer the couple the opportunity to select and interact with the surrogate, while other programs maintain the confidentiality of the surrogate.


As with donor egg programs, the procedure for a gestational carrier involves IVF. As noted in the section on donor eggs, the gestational carrier may be given hormones to prepare her uterus for embryo transfer. The embryos from the infertile couple will then be transferred to the carrier's uterus. For traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is inseminated with the male partner's sperm via ICI or IUI near the time of ovulation. IVF is not necessary for traditional surrogacy. The success rates for gestational or traditional surrogacy can vary depending on male and female fertility factors.




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