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Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.



Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. The rules of the game were explained to the children.

2. She didn’t hear the question, that’s why it was repeated to her once again.

3. She is a very reliable person, so this secret was entrusted to her.

4. These poems are sometimes ascribed to him.

5. This information was repeated to us.

6. The working schedule is usually introduced to them every month.

7. Some grammar terms will be dictated to the students tomorrow.

8. Look! The procedure is being explained to them and they are listening with great interest.

9. The meaning of this text was interpreted to her yesterday.

10. A lot of poems and songs are dedicated to this great woman.


Exercise 2. Turn into Passive.

1. The teacher explained all the peculiarities of the rule.

2. The weather was warm and nobody objected to going for a walk.

3. A well-known lecturer described all the peculiarities of the problem to the listeners.

4. The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.

5. He has never interpreted his actions to anybody.

6. The guide announced the beginning of the excursion to the tourists.

7. Her relatives attribute her success to hard work.

8. The doctor described all the consequences of such way of life to the patient.

9. The boss dictated an official letter to the secretary.

10. The scientist interpreted this strange phenomenon to his colleagues.


Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Больному нельзя ничего прописать без медицинского осмотра.

2. Им подробно описали, как найти это место, поэтому они не могли заблудиться.

3. Когда я пришел, студентам объясняли условия конкурса.

4. Разве вы не знаете, что им доверили очень серьезный проект?

5. Когда я приду завтра, ученикам будут диктовать новые слова.

6. Если бы вам подробно растолковали сюжет этой книги, вы бы смогли принять участие в ее обсуждении.

7. Их уже представили друг другу, и теперь вам не стоит беспокоиться.

8. Послушай! Всем снова повторяют это правило! Почему ты такой невнимательный.

9. Суду присяжных представили очень необычное дело.

10. Больному выписали очень сильное лекарство от боли в спине.

11. Туристам предложили маршрут по живописным местам этого горного района.

12. Я абсолютно уверен, что мой брат не виноват, но именно ему приписывают этот проступок.

13. Нам несколько раз повторили, что это стихотворение самое известное у этого автора.

14. Когда я вошёл, учащимся объявили, что выборы в школьный парламент переносятся на другой день.

15. Я уверена, что Кате можно доверить это дело, потому что она никогда не подводила нас.

5. Only intransitive verbs with prepositions are used in the Passive Voice. These verbs are:

to account for

to agree upon

to allude to

to arrive at (conclusion, agreement)

to call for

to call upon

to comment upon

to count upon

to depend on (upon)

to dispose of

to fire at

to hear of

to insist on (upon)

to interfere with

to laugh at

to listen to

to look after

to look at

to look down upon

to look up to

to provide for

to put up at

to put up with

to read to

to refer to

to rely on

to run over

to send for

to speak about (of)

to state at

to talk about (to, over)



· This article has been commented upon by a few well-known critics.

· Эту статью прокомментировали несколько хорошо известных         критиков.


Mind! The verb “to send for” can be used only in connection with people.

· The waiter was sent for.

· The doctor should always be sent for when you are not well.

If you want to say in English “послать за чаем, книгой, ключом” you should translate in the following way:

to send smb to fetch the tea (the book, the key).

  But such are quite possible:

a car (a cab, a taxi) was sent for.


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