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Exercise 5. Find passives in the text. Define the tense forms.


Exercise 5. Find passives in the text. Define the tense forms.

A driver has been sent to jail for 90 days for driving with excess alcohol. Graham Smith, 29, of North Street, Barton, was stopped by police officers near his home last November and was found to have drunk almost twice the legal limit for drivers, Didcot magistrates heard on Thursday.

Twelve months earlier Smith had been disqualified from driving for three years for drink-driving.

He was disqualified for twelve months four years ago for a similar offence.

Mr. Peter Jones, defending, said Smith had used the car to visit a sick friend.

He said Smith was depressed after the visit, and went to a pub and drank five or six pints before driving home.

He was caught by police during a routine speed check in Wantage Road, Barton.


Exercise 6. Open the brackets with the correct forms:


Lord Manners was a rich and famous banker. When he (die)=died recently, he (give)2 …............ a magnificent funeral which (attend)3.…............ by hundreds of famous people. The funeral was going to (hold)4 .…............. in Westminster Abbey. Many ordinary people (line)5 .…............ the streets to watch the procession. The wonderful black and gold carriage (draw)6 .…............ by six black horses. The mourners (follow)7 .…............ in silence. Lord Manners (give)8 .…............ a royal farewell. Two tramps were among the crowd. They (watch)9 .…............ the procession with amazement. As solemn music (could hear)10 .…............ in the distance, one of them (turn)11 .…............ to the other and (whisper)12  …............. in admiration, 'Now that's what I call really living!'.


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