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Formation of the Passive Voice in English.


1.3. Formation of the Passive Voice in English.

If we compare formation of the active and passive voices, we’ll see, that the active voice has no special means of formation, so it has 12 tense forms. As to the passive voice, the formula for its formation is:


auxiliary verb to be + participle II of the notional verb



1. Participle II of the notional verb remains unchanged.

2. Comparing with the Active Voice the Passive Voice has only 8 tense forms (there are no Future Continuous, Present, Past and Future Continuous Passive). All tense forms in the Passive Voice are analytical.


The voice forms of the verb




Tense/ Aspect

The Active Voice

The Passive Voice











will take

am taken

is taken

are taken

was taken

were taken


will be taken



am taking

is taking

are taking

was taking

were taking

will be taking

am being taken

is being taken

are being taken

was being taken

were being taken





have taken

has taken

had taken

will have taken

have been taken

has been taken

had been taken


will have been taken

Perfect Continuous

have been taking

has been taking

had been


will have been








1.4. Reasons for using the Passive Voice.

The Passive Voice is used in the following cases:

1. You have no choice: you often can’t use the Active Voice if you don’t know who performed the action.


· The bicycle was left beside the road (we don’t know who performs the action, who left the bicycle beside the road).


2. You are writing in an academic or scientific context. - The Passive Voice makes the writing sound more humble and puts the focus on the research instead of researchers.


· Active Voice: We discovered interesting results.

· Passive Voice: Interesting results were discovered.


3. In everyday life when you want to focus on a happening, not on who or what did it:

· This ring is made of gold.

(We are concerned about the ring, but not who made it).


4. When you want to avoid vague subjects: they, one, someone, etc.

· The house is lived in (not someone lives in the house)



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