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Exercise 2. Translate into English.


Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Америку открыл Христофор Колумб.

2. Магазин на углу улицы был ограблен мужчиной в маске.

3. Окно разбил мальчишка, живущий в доме напротив.

4. Кем был написан этот роман?

5. Я был шокирован его отношением ко мне.

6. Новый бассейн был только что торжественно открыт мэром города.

7. На выставке демонстрировали редкие книги, изданные Британскими авторами.

8. Вора задержал совсем молодой полицейский.

9. Лондон ежегодно посещают миллионы туристов.

10.Пожар потушили быстро прибывшие пожарные.


Module II

Task 1. Turn into the passive voice.

1. I presented her with a new silk scarf.

2. The parents presented the newly married couple with a car.

3. I didn't know that they had given a puppy for her birthday.

4. The lecturer explained a new rule to the students. 

5. They told me that they would sell the tickets after lunch.

6. They announced on the radio that they would cancel the flight.

7. They needn't refer to this article.

8. They look after the children well in the kindergarten.

9. Everybody in our class is always laughing at one weird boy.

10. Nobody has ever lived in this old castle.

11. He made a mistake and that's why they found fault with him.

12. Everybody who has a temperature must immediately send for the doctor.

13. At last the participants of the conference arrived at the agreement.

14. They are speaking about this new film very much.

15. Soon they lost sight of the boat.

16. They suddenly put an end to the discussion by his sudden arrival.

17. They have always looked upon him as a musician by nature.

18. All the boys looked up to him.

19. They will have finished all the work by the end of the week.

20. They are building a new metro line now. One of the stations will be in our street.

21. They will have had all the books by the end of the summer.

22. When I came in, they were showing the news on TV.

23. I hope that by the end of the year I will have read this novel up to the end.

24. Look! They are explaining the rule to the children again.

25.I didn’t know that he would present his new book in front of such a large readership.


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