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Exercise 3. The Simple predicate or the Compound nominal predicate?


Exercise 3. The Simple predicate or the Compound nominal predicate?

1. Are you acquainted with Mr. White?

2. Mum says that she is so worried about your health.

3. My friend has been married for 5 years.

4. Look! What a shame! He is drunk! He is making a fool of himself.

5. We were puzzled. We didn’t know what to do.

6. When we came, the door had been locked since the very morning.

7. Yesterday I bought some fresh fruit but unfortunately all of them were spoiled.

8. I am lost. Can all these rumors be true?

9. How many times shall I call you? Dinner has been cooked for the whole hour!

10. –Where are the children? –Don’t worry they are being taken care of.

11. An invitation to the concert was given to me.

12. The house will be locked till the next summer.

13. This wooden house was destroyed by a very strong wind.

14. A new block of flats is being built in our district.

15. Football is a popular game and it is played all over the world.

16. When we arrived at the hotel I was shown up to a nice, cozy room.

17. As to me or my future, not a word was said, or a step taken.

18. We had a strange feeling that some people he was introduced to, looked at him with suspicion.

19. Newspapers are usually delivered in the morning.

20. Your papers will be given out next week.


Exercise 4. Open the brackets. Define the type of the predicate.

1. The play (to write) by a young talented writer.

2. He (to bore) to death.

3. Wherever I was travelling, I always found that most of camps (to leave) in a disgraceful condition.

4. From the place I was standing the house (to hide) by huge oak trees.

5. When we came up to the cottage, we saw that the windows (not to light) and the door (to close).

6. We came to her flat for the first time. Everything was in perfect order and every room (to tidy up).

7. Her cooking (to change) for these ten years.

8. Your son misses so many classes. Is he (to take care of) properly?

9. Listen! It (to announce) that our flight is delayed.

10.  You (to frighten) of spiders?

11. Too many books already (to write) about the Second World War.

12. The results (not to analyse) yet.

13. Sometime later he (to take) upstairs and (to examine) by a specialist.

14. We (to lent) ten thousand pounds last year.

15. All the ingrediants (to stir) for the salad.

16. A lot of new paintings (to show) to the visitors during the excursion.

17. I very (to confuse) after I had failed my exam.

18. I greately (to disappoint) because I wasn't invited to the party.

19. She very (to displease) when she realized something was wrong.

20. The room (to fill) with thick smoke.



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