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Exercise 1. Define the type of the predicate. Translate into Russian.



Exercise 1. Define the type of the predicate. Translate into Russian.

1. This postbox is emptied.

2. This postbox is emptied twice a day.

3. That house is built of wood.

4. Houses are usually built of bricks.

5. The trucks were loaded.

6. The trucks were loaded by the workers.

7. The door is locked, so we can’t come in.

8. The door is usually locked at 9 p.m.

9. The bench is painted, don’t sit down.

10. The bench is painted every spring.

11. I don’t know who this theatre was built by.

12. He was oppressed by a sense of loneliness.

13. The rules of the game have been explained by the coach.

14. When I got there I found that the theatre was closed.

15. He was perplexed and troubled.

16. He was very excited when he learned that their team had won.

17. The first textbooks were written for teaching English as a foreign language.

18. The river was polluted by the dirty water from the plant.

19. Ann’s friends were charmed by her beautiful voice.

20. The biscuits have been cooked for these two hours.


Exercise 2. Define either an action or a state. Translate into Russia.

1. Didn’t you know that the results of his experiment were proved right.

2. I saw that the car stopped and the side-door was opened.

3. The piano tuner said that unfortunately the instrument was not tuned.

4. The forthcoming elections were officially announced on the radio.

5. I was very excited to know what was going to be done with me.

6. What place is this? Where have I been brought to?

7. His books were repaired and neatly blacked, his hat was brushed.

8. New instructions will be given to you before you leave.

9. He was finally persuaded to take decisive measures.

10. Don’t enter the hall. It’s being aired now.

11. This supermarket has been closed for more than a month.

12. When I came to my native town I learned that my favourite cinema house had been closed for a year.

13. A new performance was shown in the circus last week.

14. I should confess, I was really exhausted after that back-breaking work.

15. The swimming pool is filled with water.



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