Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Exercise 7. Use the prepositions by or with.


Exercise 7. Use the prepositions by or with.


1. The table is covered … the cloth.

2. This theatre is built … a famous architect.

3. My mobile was repaired … a very young repairman.

4. Where is your hat? It was gone … the wind.

5. The cottage is heated … a boiler.

6. This is a letter which is written … a ballpen.

7. The carpet was cleaned … a vacuum-cleaner.

8. All the dishes in our family are usually washed … dish-washer.

9. Mobiles are set in work … electricity.

10. A lot of houses were destroyed … the last flood.

11. This lock is opened … a special key.

12. The flowers are watered … fresh water.

13.The room is lightened … three lamps.

Exercise 8. Use Present Indefinite or Continuous Passive.

1. Where are the children? - They are taken care of / are being taken care of by the nurse.

2. My son usually comes home for the holidays. He is always met / is being met at the station.

3. When they finished writing, their works were discussed / were being discussed.

4. Your letter will be delivered / will have been delivered next week.

5.By the end of the academic year all the books will be returned / will have been returned to the library.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Газеты и журналы всегда доставляют утром.

2. Когда и кем был построен этот великолепный театр?

3. Будет ли открыта новая станция метро в нашем районе?

4. Посмотри, какое огромное зеркало вносят в подъезд.

5. Когда он вернулся в свой родной город, там по прежнему строили стадион.

6. Разве ты не знаешь, что экзамены уже сдали?

7. Я очень рада, что наш багаж доставили так быстро.

8. К новому году все подарки были уже куплены.

9. Все овощи будут почищены к обеду.

10.Все газоны в этом парке поливаются опытным садовником.


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