Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 2. Choose the right variant.


1. I have never thought that this film … about so much.

a) would be spoken;

b) will be spoken;

c) will have been spoken.


2. It was said to the students that their works … in a day.

a) will be marked;

b) would be marked;

c) would have been marked.


3. A big encyclopedia … for me at last.

a) was presented;

b) has been presented;

c) had been presented.


4. This group ... a few weeks ago.

a) was reorganized;

b) has reorganized;

c) has been reorganized.


5. I hope the fish ... soon.

a) will be cooked;

b) was cooked;

c) is cooked.


6. Yesterday I ... to make a report.

a) told;

b) has told;

c) was told.


7. A month ago I thought that this project ... by the next year.

a) would have been fulfilled;

b) will have been fulfilled;

c) was fulfilled.


8. This hotel ... for a long time.

a) is building;

b) has been built;

c) has built.


9. The speech ... by David yesterday.

a) is written;

b) has been written;

c) was written.


10. The bills ... next Monday.

a) will pay;

b) has been paid;

c) will be paid.


11. I said I hoped the work ... in two hours.

a) will be finished;

b) would be finished;

c) was finished.


12. The letter ... a pen.

a) was written with;

b) wrote in;

c) was written by.


13. Her correspondence ... her every day.

a) was read with;

b) is read by;

c) reads with.


14. This work ... tomorrow.

a) will be done;

b) will do;

c) is done.


15. Their house ... wood.

a) makes of;

b) will make in;

c) is made of.


16. Some sculptures ... bronze.

a) are made in;

b) are made with;

c) make by.


17. The door opened and I ... to come in.

a) asked;

b) have asked;

c) was asked.


18. The car ... by Ned yesterday.

a) was washed;

b) was being washed;

c) had been washed.


19. The plans ... by our manager in two days.

a) are declared;

b) were declared;

c) will be declared.


20. Trees ... already in the park.

a) are planted;

b) were planted;

c) have been planted.


21. Coal ... always in Newcastle.

a) is mined;

b) was mined;

c) has been mined.


22. This play ... by Shakespeare.

a) has been written;

b) was written;

c) was being written.


23. Our car ... a week ago.

a) was stolen;

b) is stolen;

c) has been stolen.


24. America ... by Columbus.

a) is discovered;

b) was discovered;

c) had been discovered.


25. Several foreign languages ... by the students of our university now.

a) are learnt;

b) are being learnt;

c)are learning.


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