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Exercise 5. Translate into English.


Exercise 5. Translate into English.

1. Дверь закрыта, значит никого нет дома.

2. Двери запирают в 10 часов, давай поторопимся.

3. Нам показали новый французский журнал.

4. Новый французский журнал уже распродан.

5. Когда я вошел в аудиторию, задавали много вопросов.

6. Спасибо, на мой вопрос уже ответили.

7. Каждый год в нашем городе строится много новых домов.

8. Этот дом не новый. Уже лет 10, как он построен.

9. Тест по истории Англии пишут в конце семестра.

10.Тест по истории Англии написан.


Module III

Task 1. Choose the right predicate:

1. The letter was written by my uncle.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


2. The bread was cut with a knife.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


3. The audience was pleased with the children’s performance.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


4. The public was shocked at the mayor’s announcement.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


5. A new school will be soon opened in our street.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


6. This film is much spoken about.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


7. His report was listened to with great attention.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


8. The parents and teachers are sometimes annoyed with some primary school children.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


9. We haven’t been interested in the news for all this time.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


10. Are you tired of today’s exercises?

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


11. His name has not been mentioned since that time.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


12. Look! He is being accompanied by his friend.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


13. My husband is amazed at how well I can repair things around the house.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


14. The flowers are being watered now.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


15. The picture will be shown to us on Monday.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


16. She was so satisfied with her new job!

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


17. Feminist associations in this country are highly criticised.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


18. The report has not been made properly.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


19. The room in which the boys were fed, was a large stone hall.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


20. This fence has been painted for two days.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


21. We are immensely pleased with the success of our campaign.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


22. I am fully convinced against all risks.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


23. The curtain at the bed’s head was hastily drown.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


24. Nothing has been said to them about this event.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


25. A new school was started in our village by a young teacher.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


26. Your bike has been repaired for the whole week.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


27. Look! The hall is crowded.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


28. She was frightened by a loud knock at the door.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


29. The people he was introduced to, looked at him in rather a funny sort of way.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal


30. She is always delighted with fine weather.

a) Simple

b) Compound nominal.



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