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Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.



The verb «to hold» can be used in the passive only with reference to human activity.



a) This hall holds about 2000 people.

b)The meeting will be held in this hall.


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. Does this bag belong to you?

2. Unfortunately, Friday doesn’t suit me.

3. I was having a bath when the telephone rang.

4. My shoes don’t fit me.

5. I beg my pardon, but you lack tact.

6. She resembles an angel.

7. Does this book really belong to you?

8. She has an Alsatian dog.

9. The team lacked a leader.

10.That could resembles a dragon.

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Это задание кажется чрезвычайно трудным.

2. В этом супе не хватает соли.

3. Я уверена, она могла бы стать вашей невесткой.

4. Забирай это платье, если оно тебе подходит.

5. Тебе очень идет прическа замужней женщины.

6. Эта местность очень напоминает мне Англию.

7. Просто невероятно, как сильно близнецы похожи друг на друга.

8. Будет ли его избранник принадлежать к его партии?

9. Секреты всегда принадлежат небольшой группе лиц.

10.У вас нет номера с лучшим видом?

11. «By – agent» is used in the Passive Voice only when the agent (doer) is responsible for the action.

· It is a well-known fact that this film was shot by a great Chaplin.

Хорошо известно, что этот фильм был снят великим Чаплиным.


Exercise 1. Translate into English.

1. The house was built by Mr. Brown.

2. He was hit by a falling branch while walking in the woods.

3. The telephone was inverted by A. Bell.

4. The tomatoes, onion and garlic are used by her to make the sauce.

5. The new play will be directed by John Adams.

6. Look! The car is being repaired by a mechanic.

7. Much tobacco is grown in Eastern Europe by farmers.

8. A new president has been elected by the voters.

9.These works of art controlled by computers.


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