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Task 1. Turn into the Passive voice.



Module II

Task 1. Turn into the Passive voice.

1. A new silk scarf was presented for her.

2. A car was presented for the newly married couple by the parents.

3. I didn’t know that a puppy had been given for her birthday.

4. A new rule was explained to the students by the lecturer.

5. It was said to me that the tickets would be sold after lunch.

6. It was announced on the radio that the flight would be cancelled.

7. This article doesn’t need to be referred to.

8. The children are looked after well in the kindergarten.

9. One weird boy in our class is always being laughed at.

10. This old castle has never been lived in.

11. A mistake was made by him and that’s why he was found fault with.

12. The doctor must immediately be sent for if anybody has a temperature.

13. At last the agreement was arrived at the conference.

14. This new film is being much spoken about.

15. Soon the boat was lost sight of.

16. The discussion was suddenly put an end to by his sudden arrival.

17. He has always been looked upon as a musician by nature.

18. He was looked up to by all the boys.

19. All the work will have been finished by the end of the week.

20. A new metro line is being built now. One of the stations will be in our street.

21. All the books will have been by the end of the summer.

22. When I came in, the news was being shown on TV.

23. I hope that by the end of the year this novel will have been read.

24. Look! The rule is being explained to the children again.

25. I didn’t know that his new book would be presented in front of such a large readership.


Task 2. Choose the right variant.


1. A

2. B

3. B

4. A

5. A

6. C

7. A

8. B

9. C

10. C

11. B

12. A

13. B

14. A

15. C

16. A

17. C

18. A

19. C

20. C

21. C

22. B

23. A

24. B


Task 3. Translate into English.


1. I’m so happy. A very interesting job has just been offered to me.

2. I heard that this film was much spoken about.

3. After long discussions this question has at last, been answered.

4. They will be announcing the results of the test from 2 to 3 o’clock tomorrow.

5. If he comes in time, they will be packing the things.

6. At last this point has been agreed upon.

7. Our city was badly damaged by the last hurricane.

8. This castle is a museum now and that’s why it is not lived in.

9. In the morning it was announced on the radio about the official arrival of the president.

10. Did you hear that they had been shooting this film for a very long time.

11. When I came, they had already been explaining the rule for 10 minutes.

12. A big box of chocolates was presented for her birthday.

13. Yesterday when I dropped in the shop, a new sort of coffee was being advertised there.

14. The report was followed by the discussion.

15. He couldn’t understand why he was always found fault with.

16. She was asked several questions and was told to wait.

17. While breakfast was being cooked, mother came up to the child’s bed.

18. When I came back, the mail had already been delivered.

19. When I came back, the mail was just being delivered.

20. When I came back, they had already been delivering the mail for half an hour.

21. When I come back, they will be just delivering the mail.

22. When I come back, the mail will have already been delivered.

23. A lot of new houses are built in our city every year.

24. Look! What a beautiful house is being built.

25. A lot of new houses will be built next year.

26. When I come back they will still be building this house.

27. When I come back this house will have already been built.

28. When I came back, this house was still being built.

29. When I came back, they had already been building the house for 2 years.

30. When I came back, this house had at last been built.



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