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There are such verbs in English that can have two objects: indirect and direct.


6. There are such verbs in English that can have two objects: indirect and direct.

These verbs are:

to ask

to award

to bring

to cook

to grant

to give

to lend

to offer

to pay

to pass

to promise

to read

to teach

to tell

to sell

to send

to write

Such verbs can have two passive constructions.

· The referee gave Nick the first prize.


Let’s compare two constructions.


1) Nick was given the first prize by the referee.

The subject of this construction (Nick) corresponds to the indirect object of the active construction, that’s why it is called the indirect passive construction. This construction is by far the most common.

2) The first prize was given to Nick by the referee.

The subject of this construction (the first prize) corresponds to the direct object of the active construction, that’s why it is called the direct passive construction.

MIND!The 1-st (indirect) passive construction gives greater prominence to the direct object.

· He was given this camera. Ему дали этот фотоаппарат.

This sentence implies that exactly this (not that) camera (not a book) was given to Nick.

The 2-nd (direct) passive construction gives greater prominence to the indirect object.

  • Stories are read to the children. This sentence implies that stories are read to the children, not to anybody else.




Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. The film has not been shown to Ann.

2. We were shown the way tо the station.

3. A big steak was brought to Bill.

4. He was given two days to think the matter over.

5. The instructions were given to everybody.

6. The new method will be shown to the young specialists tomorrow.

7. After graduation a good job was offered to him.

8.  He was promised a position with much higher wage.

9. The house was sold very cheap to us.

10. He was taught several languages when he was a child.


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