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Exercise 2. Turn into passive, give two sentences.


Exercise 2. Turn into passive, give two sentences.

1. The shop offered its customers a big discount.

2. Our guest brought us a tasty cake.

3. Alice sent a letter to her father yesterday.

4. They sang me some of the old songs.

5. The teacher gave a pupil a warning.

6. Mary cooked a delicious tart to her friends.

7. He will give me the money for my holiday.

8. The secretary told me a lot of useful information.

9. They promised the boy a bicycle.

10.Phil threw the ball to his brother.

Exercise 3. Translate into English, give two variants.

1. Ольге прислали большой букет белых и красных роз.

2. Покупателю показали новую модель компьютера.

3. Несмотря на мои просьбы, мне так и не передали соль.

4. Золотую медаль присудили команде из нашей школы.

5. Письмо, наконец, мне прислали. Я так долго его ждал.

6. В детстве мне часто читали сказки.

7. Нам забронировали билеты на футбол.

8. Вчера мне одолжили немного денег.

9. Джеку обещали собеседование на новой работе.

10. Я уверен, что тебе рассказали о собрании в четверг.

7. Phraseological units can also be used in the Passive Voice. They are:


to find fault with

to lose sight of

to make fun of

to pay attention to

to put an end to

to set fire to

to take care of

to take notice of

· Kids are taken good care of in this kindergarten.

· За детьми очень хорошо присматривают в этом детском саду.


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. Not a slightest detail was taken notice of.

2. Finally all the contradictions were put an end to by the negotiating parties.

3. He was so awkward that he was constantly made fun of.

4. Very much attention is paid to the juvenile problems nowadays.

5. Because of a very thich fog the car was lost sight of.

6. The main purpose of this discussion mustn’t be lost sight of.

7. She is often made fun of because she wears such strange hats.

8. This state of affairs will be put an end to.

9. Her attitude to her duties can’t be put up with.

10.The house was set fire to in the middle of the night.


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