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Task 4. Use the required active or passive forms.


Task 4. Use the required active or passive forms.


I once (to know) a village teacher who (to be) partially blind. He (to deprive) of one eye as the result of infection. His blind eye (to take) out, and a glass one (to insert) in its socket in its stead.

One day the teacher (to need) to leave his class of small children alone for half an hour or so. But he (to hold) back by one consideration. The children of the class (to be) really unruly. He (to know) that if they (to leave) alone for any length of time they (to become) violent and complaints (to make) by their parents.

Suddenly he (to strike) by an idea. In a moment his glass eye (to take) out of its socket, and (to place) on the table.

“Now, children,” he said, “I (to go) out for a few minutes but you (to observe) all the time by my eye. If anything (to do) which (not to approve) by me it (to see) by my eye, and the child (to punish) when I (to return).

The children (to impress) very much, and the teacher (to go) off.

But when he (to return) an hour later it (to seem) that a hurricane (to pass) through the classroom. The teacher (to astound). “Evidently,” he thought, “I (to outwit). I wonder how.”

In the classroom tables (to overturn), the walls (to spatter) with ink from ink-bombs which (to throw) during a battle which still (to fight) out as a manifestation of high spirits. In fact, a good time (to spend) by all.

The teacher (to wonder) why the presence of his glass eye (not to respect). He (to look) round for it and (to see) that it (to cover) by a hat.

Task 5. Use as many passives as possible in this fairy tale.


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