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The Use of “by + agent (doer)” after a Passive.


1.5. The Use of “by + agent (doer)” after a Passive.

The doer of the action is usually not used after a passive construction. But still it should be used in cases when you want to stress who or what is responsible for the action:

· David Copperfield was written by Charles Dickens.

The doer of the action is usually mentioned after the verbs:

a) of creation: to build, compose, design, write, invent, make, discover, produce, found, erect, etc.

b) of destruction: to break, demolish, destroy, neglect, ruin, fail, halt, prevent, wreck, etc.

· This city was wiped out by the Tatars.

1.6. Ways of Translating the Passive Voice into Russian.

There are three ways of translating the Passive Voice into Russian:

1. by the verb “быть + краткая форма страдательного причастия”. In present tenses the verb “быть” is not used.

· This factory was built in the last century.

· Эта фабрика была построена в прошлом веке.


2. by verbs ending in “ся”:

· A lot of new houses are built in our city every year.

· Много новых зданий строится в нашем городе каждый год.


3. by means of indefinite personal constructions (неопределенно-личные предложения):

· The documents had been signed before I came.

· Документы подписали прежде, чем я пришел.



Exercise 1. Find the passive constructions. Give the Russian equivalents.

1. A lot of goods are usually sold in this supermarket.

2. The flowers are being watered now.

3. The test has already been done.

4. I returned home earlier. Dinner was still being cooked.

5.  The custom officer said that our luggage would be checked later.

6.  By the time we got to the place all the necessary preparations had already been done.

7. All the exams will have been passed by the beginning of July.

8. Our teacher promised that our tests would have been marked by the end of the week.

9. Where is my Mom? Don't worry, she is being examined by the doctor.

10. A card had been given to me before I became the member of the Chess Club.

11. Even when the conference was over some issues were still being discussed.

12. Don't be so upset. Your problem will soon be solved.

13. A lot of masterpieces are exhibited in the famous museums of the world.

14. The experiment was provided with all necessary facilities.

15. When my Granny switched the TV on, her favourite programme was being shown.

16. By this time tomorrow all the purchases will have already been done.

17. Why is it so light in? You won't believe, the tree opposite has been cut down.

18.The passengers were warned that they wouldn't be allowed to use mobiles on board the plane.


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