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Task 4. Use the required active or passive forms.


Task 4. Use the required active or passive forms.


1. Knew

2. Was

3. Had been deprived

4. Had been taken

5. Had been inserted

6. Needed

7. Was held

8. Were

9. Knew

10.  Were left

11.  Would become

12.  Would be made

13.  Was struck

14.  Was taken

15.  (was) placed

16.  Am going

17.  Will be observed

18.  Is done

19.  Will not be approved

20.  Will be seen

21.  Will be punished

22.  Return

23. Were…impressed

24.  Went

25.  Returned

26.  Seemed

27.  Had

28.  Passed

29.  Was astounded

30.  Have been outwitted

31.  Were overturned

32.  Were spattered

33.  Had been thrown

34.  Was….being fought

35.  Was being spent

36.  Wondered

37.  Had not been respected

38.  Looked

39.  Saw

40.Had been covered


Module I – III

Task 1. Choose the right variant.


1. B

2. C

3. B

4. C

5. C

6. A

7. B

8. C

9. C

10. B

11. C

12. B

13. B

14. A

15. B

16. C

17. C

18. B

19. A

20. B

21. C

22. C

23. B

24. C

25. A

26. B

27. A

28. B

29. C

30. B


Task 2. Open the brackets using the right verb forms.


1. Had been sent.

2. It was/had been labelled.

3. Arrived.

4. Have had.

5. Have already been shown.

6. Am being treated.

7. Have been introduced.

8. Are woken up.

9. Were even given.

10. Was taken.

11. Were welcomed.

12. Explained.

13. Went.

14. Were given.

15. Had.

16. Checked

17. Were leaving.

18.  Were handed.

19. Were told.

20. Were taken.

21. Are/will be put.

22. Will be told.

23. Will be given.



Task 3. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate active or passive form.


1. Was called.

2. Ran.

3. Hid.

4. Was going.

5. To die.

6. Hadn’t eaten.

7. Found.

8. Lay.

9. Fell.

10. Was woken up.

11.  Saw.

12.  Coming; come.

13.  Understood.

14.  Had happened.

15.  Could.

16.  Move.

17.  Raised.

18.  Saw.

19.  Pulled.

20.  Jumped.

21.  Became.

22.  Was caught.

23.  Had run.

24.  Had to.

25.  Was brought.

26.  Were sitting.

27.  Was let in.

28.  Gave.

29.  Had recognized.

30.  Had met.

31.  Began.

32.  Licking.

33.  Were surprised.

34.  Wanted.

35.  To explain.

36.  Did.

37.  Cried.

38.  Give.

39.  Let.

40.  Live.

41.  Got.

42.  Lived.


Task 4. Translate into English.

1. This vase was presented for my last birthday.

2. Where is Mike? – He has already been taken to school.

3. Christmas is celebrated all over the world.

4. When I came, the flat was being tidied up.

5. This book was being translated by two students.

6. This work will have been finished by Sunday.

7.  Have you been invited to the theatre?

8. The school has been built in a very short time.

9. Business letters are written on special forms.

10. It is said that she has turned the job down.

11. The latest news was commented on by the famous officials.

12. I wonder if a new school will have been built up by the beginning of the academic year.

13. This district is lived in because it is small and cosy.

14. The grass is slept in in summer when nights are warm and there are a lot of stars in the sky.

15. Young specialists’ work is always being found fault with.

16. A little dog is very easy to be lost sight of.

17. I am late. When I come, they will have been looking for me for half an hour.

18. When we entered, the lecturer was being listened to with great interest.

19. Look here! A new rule is being explained to the students.

20. I was asked several questions which couldn’t be answered.

21. Yesterday, when I called on my friend, they had already been showing the film for more than an hour.

22. They will be repairing the car within several hours tomorrow.

23. The door was knocked at and then Mr. Smith was asked.

24. After long discussions, the question was finally answered.

25. The tasks to the test were being dictated to them yesterday at 11 o’clock.

26. When you come, they will be already packing the things.

27. It was said to me that the film was quite not interesting.

28. A lot of vital topics are being discussed on the pages of this magazine.

29. Don’t you know that a dog has been bought for him?

30. When I came up to the door, it was already being opened.




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3. Бондарева В.В. Английская грамматика в забавных рассказах. English grammar in funny stories / Учебное пособие по англ.яз – СПб.: КАРО, 2006.

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Источник: https://englandlearn.com/deti/zolushka

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6. Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л., Кожевникова О.Н. и др. Грамматика английского языка. Пособие для студентов педагогических институтов. – М.: Айрис-пресс, 2016.

7. Каушанская В.Л., Ковнер Р.Л., Кожевникова О.Н. и др. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка. М.: Айрис-пресс, 2016.

8. Крылова И.П. Английская грамматика для всех. – М.: КДУ, 2007.

9. Сидоренко Г.И., Клыс И. А. Noun (стр. 8) Источник: https://pandia.ru/text/78/228/12994-8.php

10.  Систематизирующий курс грамматики. Учебно-методические материалы для студентов II-III курсов факультета английского языка (отделение заочного обучения). Источник: http://academ.lunn.ru/old/Departments/English_philology/UMM_SKG_022600_II-IIIkurs_ozo.htm

11. Теремок сказок. Источник: https://teremok.in/perevedi_skazku/angliskie-perevod/the_bun.htm

12.  English Grammar. Reference and Practice. Источник: http://ibooks.ru

13.  Murphy R. English grammar in use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate learners of English/ Fourth Edition. 2012.

14.  Part II. THE PASSIVE VOICE. Источник: https://doclecture.net/1-1721.html

15.  Short story. Little Red Riding Hood. Источник: https://picgalleria.com/

16.  Swan M. Practical English usage. Third edition. Oxford University Press. 2012.

17.  Swan M., Baker D. Grammar scan. Diagnostic tests for practical grammar usage. Third edition. Oxford University Press. 2012.

18.  The Passive Voice Exercises. Источник: http://grammar-tei.com/the-passive-voice-exercises-leksika-house-flat/



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