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The teacher is explaining the rule.



General notions

1.1. Definition of the Voice.

Voice is a grammatical category of the verb that indicates whether its subject acts or is acted upon.


The teacher is explaining the rule.

In this example we see, the subject (the teacher) is doing something or acts.

It is clear that the subject is active, it is the doer of the action.

The rule is being explained by the teacher.

In this example, as we see, something happens to the subject (the rule) or it is acted upon. It is clear that the subject is passive here, it is the receiver of the action.

So, the objective relations between the action and the subject of the action find their expression in English as the grammatical category of voice.


1.2. The Active and the Passive Voices in English.

Thus, there are two essential voices in the English language: the active (действительный залог) and passive (страдательный залог).


Let’s see the difference between them:

1.The Active Voice indicates that the action is directed from the subject, thus, the subject denotes the doer (agent) of the action.

Subject ---------------------------------Object

· Mother always bakes tasty cakes.

In this sentence the subject (mother) is the doer (agent) of the action. Such sentences are called active constructions and the subject in them may be not only a living being but any source of the action (a thing, a natural phenomenon or an abstract notion).

· This key opens only this door.

· A strong wind scattered the papers.

· Electricity sets trams in motion.

2. The Passive Voice indicates that the action is directed towards the subject by the object. Thus, the subject denotes the receiver of the action.

· Tasty cakes (subject) are always baked by my mother (object).

Such sentences are called passive constructions. Here the subject expresses a person or non-person who or which is the receiver of the action. It does not act, but is acted upon and therefore is effected by the action of the verb.

· A lot of guests are usually invited to such parties.

· Classrooms are always aired during the breaks.

So, we’ve considered the subjects in both constructions. Now, let’s have a look at the objects.

1. The object in the active construction denotes the receiver of the action:

· This professor always delivers his lectures in English.


2. The object in the passive construction denotes the doer (agent) of the action, who or which is introduced by the preposition “by”.

· The lectures are always delivered in Englishby this professor.


3. In case the subject of the passive construction is not the doer of the action but the instrument, it is introduced by the preposition “with”.

· This note is written witha very bad pen, you can’t read it.


It is a well known fact that the passive voice is widely used in English, that is why let’s see how it is formed.



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