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Exercise 2. Turn into Passive.


Exercise 2. Turn into Passive.

1. You find fault with everything I say.

2. Mum, you find fault with every shop we go to.

3. We cannot afford to lose sight of our care values.

4. You must not lose sight of that goal.

5. The students were making fun of the girl with short hair.

6.  We must put an end to their threats.

7. I am going to put an end to all that confusion.

8. Don’t pay attention to these foolish gossips.

9. Another group set fire to the building.

10.You should take care of your health or you will become sick.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1. Очень легко потерять из виду маленькую собачку.

2. Лучше использовать мультиварку для приготовления полезной еды.

3.  Пора положить конец нашей ссоре.

4. Её самой большой ошибкой было – заботиться обо всех.

5. Вскоре придется обратить внимание на скопившиеся проблемы.

6. Анна очень модная девушка, на её стиль всегда обращают внимание.

7. К сожалению, к работе молодых специалистов всегда придираются.

8. Неприлично насмехаться над убогими.

9. Здание парламента часто пытались поджечь.

10. Сложно уметь находить недостатки в самом себе.

8.The Passive Voice is used in case when the subject of the passive predicate corresponds to the Russian adverbial modifier.This is the case with the intransitive verbs «to live» and «to sleep» with the preposition «in».

· The bed was not slept in.

В кровати не спали.

· The room was not lived in.

В комнате не жили.


Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. It was a famous bed. It was slept in by Queen.

2. The city has not been lived in since the catastrophe took place there.

3. The sofa is not slept on as it is very uncomfortable.

4. The district is lived in as there is all necessary infrastructure.

5. The room was slept in so rarely that it was practically always empty.

6. Unfortunately, this village is not lived in, though nature is extremely beautiful here and the air is incredibly fresh.

7. The grass is so soft that it can be slept in in summer when nights are warm.

8. Oh look! The bed hasn’t been slept in.

9. I couldn't believe that this flat was lived in in such a way.

10.The guide explained that the castle had been lived in by three monarchs.


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