Мы поможем в написании ваших работ!


Task 1. Choose the correct answer.



1. Я решила написать письмо моей подруге.

2. И вот письмо написано, и его можно отправить.

3. Я написала ей обо всех новостях.

4. Многое произошло с тех пор, как я писала ей в последний раз.

5. Она любит, когда все написано в подробностях.

6. Интересно, когда она ответит мне.

7. Если я отправлю письмо завтра, оно будет получено через неделю.

8. Ответ будет написан немедленно.

9. Она всегда отвечает на письма сразу.

10. Она знает, что ее письмо ждут, и она не разочарует меня.


Module I

1. Every day a lot of excursions … in Moscow.

a) were held;

b) are held;

c) are being held.


2. Last month a very interesting programme … on TV.

a) was shown;

b) was been shown;

c) was being shown.


3. The test ... next Thursday.

a) is done;

b) is being done;

c) will be done.


4. Look, so many trees … in the park now.

a) are planted;

b) are being planted;

c) have been planted.


5. Yesterday when I came to the museum a new exhibition … .

a) was being displayed;

b) was displayed;

c) had been displayed.


6. Dinner … yet.

a) hasn't been cooked;

b) wasn't cooked;

c) wasn't beeing cooked.


7. By the evening yesterday the whole fence … .

a) was painted;

b) has been painted;

c) had been painted.


8. All the points of the agenda … by lunch time tomorrow.

a) will be listened to;

b) will have been listened to;

c) are listened to.


9. My friend said that a new bicycle … for his birthday next year.

a) would be bought;

b) will be bought;

c) is bought.


10. All the passengers were informed that the flight … .

a) had been delayed;

b) will be delayed;

c) is delayed.


11. Listen attentively! The rule … for the second time.

a) is been explained;

b) is being explained;

c) was explained.


12. Cottages ... generally ... of wood. 

a) are built;

b) are being built;

c) have been built.


13. The book ... already ... out.

a) is sold;

b) is being sold;

c) has been sold.


14. When I came back the post ... delivered.

a) was;

b) has been;

c) had been.


15. Next summer I ... on a trip.

a) will take;

b) will have been taken;

c) will be taken.


16. I wonder why dresses ... in this shop.

a) aren't sold;

b) don't sell;

c) aren't being sold.


17. When I came the plans ...

a) were made up;

b) were being made up;

c) were making up.


18. If I send the letter tomorrow, it ... only in a week.

a) will be got;

b) is got;

c) will have been got.


19. ... the question still ... discussed?

a) is being;

b) is discussed;

c) has been.


20. More and more high-rised buildings ... built in the cities nowadays.

a) are;

b) are being;

c) have.


21. This work ... completed by the end of the week.

a) will have been;

b) will be;

c) is.


22. All necessary measures ... soon.

a) will take;

b) are taken;

c) will be taken.


23. All the complaints … by the end of the week.

a) were read;

b) have been read;

c) had been read.


24. When I came to my native place, our house ... sold.

a) was;

b) had been;

c) has been.


25. Yesterday at this time the film ...

a) was being shown;

b) will be shown;

c) has been shown.


26. I wonder if the contract ... signed by the evening.

a) will be;

b) is;

c) will have been.


27. Education ... great attention to in our country.

a) is paid;

b) pays;

c) has been paid.


28. Look! The child ... read to.

a) is reading;

b) is being;

c) is read.


29. The table ... already ... laid for dinner when we arrived.

a) had been;

b) was being;

c) was been.


30. Where is your bicycle? – It ... repaired.

a) is;

b) is being;

c) has.


31. Waiter, is my food ready? – Just a moment. It ... cooked.

a) is;

b) has been;

c) is being.


32. How do you usually get home from the airport? – We ... always ...

a) are met;

b) are been met;

c) have been met.


33. This book ... twenty years ago.

a) is translated;

b) was translated;

c) had been translated.


34. Do you know when the tea ... brought in?

a) will be;

b) is;

c) will have been.


35. I didn't know that the papers ... corrected on Thursday.

a) are;

b) will be;

c) would be.


36. Ask him when the tickets ... bought.

a) will be;

b) are;

c) will have been.


37. I wonder when the letter ... typed.

a) is;

b) will be;

c) will have been.


38. London was completely destroyed … fire in 1666.

a) by;

b) with.


39.  The cheese was cut … a special knife.

a) by;

b) with.


40.  Our furniture is cleaned only … a special substance.

a) by;

b) with.


41.  The letter was written … a pen you gave me.

a) by;

b) with.


42. The microwave was fixed … the mechanic.

a) by;

b) with.


43.  That white tower on a hill was terribly damaged … a strong tornado last March.

a) by;

b) with.


44.  The old tree was broken … a car yesterday.

a) by;

b) with.


45. A man was killed … a knife.

a) by;

b) with.


46. I’m afraid these windows weren’t cleaned … warm water.

a) by;

b) with.


47.  A lot of houses have been destroyed … fire.

a) by;

b) with.


48.  Not much … about the accident since that time.

a) said;

b) has said;

c) has been said.


49.  When I came to the party, John … home.

a) was gone;

b) had already gone;

c) has gone.


50. Two men tried to sell a painting that …

a) was stolen;

b) had stolen;

c)had been stolen.


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