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Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.



Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. The latest model of a notebook was presented for his birthday.

2. This watch was presented for me when I was 18.

3. A lot of money was sponsored for the reconstruction of this castle.

4. An immensely beautiful pearl necklace was gifted for me.

5. A bouquet of autumn flowers was presented for my mother.

6. A lot of canned food was donated for the hungry.

7. The private collection of pictures was donated for the local museum.

8. Some computers were donated for this school last year.

9. This hospital has recentle been endowed by the citizens.

10. The wealthy couple endowed a new wing of the hospital.


Exercise 2. Turn into passive.

1. They presented a boy with a camera.

2. I bought some new stamps for his collection.

3. Her friends presented her with a box of chocolates for her birthday.

4. The parents presented the newly married couple with a car.

5. A businessman donated a great sum of money for building a new kindergarten.

6. They endowed the money and research facilities for the museum.

7. She donated her property for the children’s music club.

8. A famous author donated a signed copy of his book for the auction.

9. The Department of Health usually sponsors this programme.

10. British Airways will sponsor this competition.

Exercise 3. Comment on the following sentences using the verbs of benefaction in passive.

Model:- Oh! You are on the top of your world!

- Yes! That’s because a new bicycle of my dream was presented for me.


1. Frankly speaking, I haven’t seen this sports ground.

2. Look! They are driving such a sophisticated car.

3. She was boasting they were going to England.

4. I didn’t know that she studies at Oxford.

5. Oh, Diana has moved in a new flat.

6. How could they arrange such an expensive wedding party?

7. It can’t be that you have a new mobile.

8. I was so impressed by our new stadium.

9. You won’t believe they’ve come back from the Bahamas.

10.Don’t you know, he has started his own business.


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