Communicable disease-заразная болезнь 

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Communicable disease-заразная болезнь

The pathogenesis of the disease –механизм развития конкрентной болезни или патологического процесса

To result in a lesion of the lung-приводить к патологическим изменениям в лёгких

To produce no sings or symptoms –не вызывать признаков или симптомов

Healing of the lesion-заживление, рубцевание (о ране)

To take place by the deposition of lime salts –происходить при отлохении известковых солей

Eventually complete calcification –в конечном счёте полное обызвествление,отложение извести,окостенение

Inhaling of dust containing bacillus tuberculosis,-вдыхание пыли, содержащей бацилы туберкулёза

From droplet infection –воздушно-капельная инфекция

From the contact with contaminated objects. – от контакта с инфецированным объектом

Insidious disease –коварная болезнь

Persistent night sweats –устойчивое ночное потение

To arouse suspicion of the disease.—вызывать подозрение болезни

To expectorate material after a paroxysm of coughing. –откашливать вещество после приступа кашля

Reveal tubercle bacillus—выявлять бацилы туберкулёзной гранулемы

In case of the caseous change of the affected lung tissue-в случае творожистых изменений поражённых лёгочных тканей

Erosion of blood vessels by the pathogenic process- эрозия, разъедание кровяных сосудов патогенным (болезнетворным) процессом

To secure the proper treatment- получать достойное лечение

Resistance –сопротивление

fibrosis and calcification - образование волокнистой ткани и отложение извести

Resultant improvement in the clinical symptoms-получающиеся в результате улучшения в клинических симптомах

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a specific communicable disease, usually chronic but occasionally acute, caused by the bacillus tuberculosis. It is generally believed that the pathogenesis of the disease is as follows: first contact with the disease results in a lesion of the lung which is microscopic in size and usually produces no sings or symptoms by which it may be diagnosed clinically. Healing of this lesion takes place by the deposition of lime salts in and around it so that eventually complete calcification takes place which is evident in X-ray examination of the lung. Inside this lesion, however, are tubercle bacilli which may remain alive for many years.

The disease is widespread. All ages are affected but the normality is highest between 20 and 45 years. The disease may result from the inhaling of dust containing bacillus tuberculosis, from droplet infection or from the contact with contaminated objects. The early symptoms (of the adult type) are usually very insidious. Loss of weight, appetite, and strength, a chronic cough, and a low grade temperature, which is usually more elevated toward night, are common complaints. Persistent night sweats should always arouse suspicion of the disease. As the condition progresses, the patient may start to expectorate material after a paroxysm of coughing. Examination of the sputum will frequently reveal tubercle bacillus. If the disease remains unchecked then, in case of the caseous change of the affected lung tissue, erosion of blood vessels by the pathogenic process may occur and the expectoration of small or, at times, large amounts of blood results.

On the other hand, if the patient secures the proper treatment and if his resistance is good, the disease process may be checked and fibrosis and calcification will occur in the diseased area with resultant improvement in the clinical symptoms.

Tuberculosis is a disease which has occupied the attention of medical men in every age. From early days down to the present time, anatomists and physiologist, have devoted much time and study to investigate its causes and produce its cure. The numerous volumes we have on this subject are, in themselves, sufficient proof of the importance which should be attached to the disease.

But it is necessary to say that up to nowadays tuberculosis still remains a widespread infection in all capitalist countries, standing far beyond and above all others in respect to the victims it claims every year. It spares neither age nor sex. This «plague of mankind» carries off men and women in the prime of life or renders them disabled at the age of 30 to 40.


I Answer the questions.


1. What kind of disease is Pulmonary tuberculosis?

2. What is the pathogenesis of the disease?

3. The disease is widespread, isn’t it?

4. How can the disease pass from one person to another?

5. What are the early symptoms (of the adult type) of the disease?

6. As the condition progresses, the patient may start to expectorate material after a paroxysm of coughing, may not he?



2. Find in the Text the English for the following phrases and use them in retelling and discussing the text.

заразная болезнь,механизм развития конкрентной болезни или патологического процесса,приводить к патологическим изменениям в лёгких,не вызывать признаков или симптомов,

заживление, рубцевание (о ране) происходить при отлохении известковых солей,в конечном счёте полное обызвествление,отложение извести,окостенение,вдыхание пыли, содержащей бацилы туберкулёза,воздушно-капельная инфекция,

от контакта с инфецированным объектом,коварная болезнь,

устойчивое ночное потение,вызывать подозрение болезни,

откашливать вещество после приступа кашля,выявлять бацилы туберкулёзной гранулемы,в случае творожистых изменений поражённых лёгочных тканей,эрозия, разъедание кровяных сосудов патогенным,(болезнетворным) процессом,

получать достойное лечение,сопротивление,

образование волокнистой ткани и отложение извести,

получающиеся в результате улучшения в клинических симптомах



3 Translate.


communicable disease,-the pathogenesis of the disease –межанизм развития,конкрентной болезни или патологического процесса,

in a lesion of the lung-, to produce no sings or symptoms –,Healing of the lesion-,to take place by the deposition of lime salts,–eventually complete calcification,– inhaling of dust containing bacillus tuberculosis,-, from droplet infection –, from the contact with contaminated objects.,to be insidious. –,Persistent night sweats,to arouse suspicion of the disease.—,to expectorate material after a paroxysm of coughing. –, reveal tubercle bacillus—, in case of the caseous change of the affected lung tissue-, erosion of blood vessels by the pathogenic process-,to secure the proper treatment-,resistance -,

fibrosis and calcification -,resultant improvement in the clinical symptoms.-




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