Table by her side. She looked at him while he read the paper. Was it possible
Содержание книги
- Lamb, he had not been able to bring himself to spring to that, but she was so
- When some member of the company, momentarily hard up, tried to borrow
- Ended with a powerful and moving scene in which Julia had the opportunity
- To her with absorbed interest.
- She was dressed fussily, with a sort of old-fashioned richness which did not
- Bazaar stuff, and you wondered how anyone had thought it worth bringing
- To the fire, lit a cigarette.
- For the last week she had asked herself whether or not he was going to
- Michael watched the affecting scene with sympathy.
- Indeed, that she was quite willing to become his mistress, but this he refused.
- She adored to sit cuddled up to him with his arm round her waist, her face
- Face an eager, happy smile, she felt that her muscles were stiff and hard.
- Michael gave her his sweet, good-natured smile.
- He took a swing and with his open hand gave her a great smack on the face.
- Broken my heart and ruined my whole life just to keep me in your rotten
- AFTER a fortnight of rehearsals, Michael was thrown out of the part for
- In the empty carriage and looked at herself in the glass.
- Her to her room she held up her face to his.
- THE first year of their marriage would have been stormy except for Michael's
- She gave him a look of scorn.
- Business. He eventually got a part in a costume play.
- Meanwhile Julia had been playing a succession of important parts and was
- She was pregnant at the time. Michael had judged it imprudent to have a
- Been so badly wounded that they had got their discharge.
- Little sick. She could not respond to his ardour, she was eager that he should
- Table by her side. She looked at him while he read the paper. Was it possible
- He specialized in men about town, gentlemanly gamblers, guardsmen and
- It was a warm beautiful night. Michael had bought options, though it wrung
- Light dawned on him, and he was so surprised that he slowed down. Was it
- Care of yourself. It's a chance in a thousand, and I think it would be madness
- Julia spent a happy morning in bed reading the Sunday papers. She read first
- Kneeling by her side put his arms round her.
- Was happier than he had ever been before. It was a damned satisfactory
- To her praise of his exquisite nose and beautiful eyes. She got a little private
- Unkind things she had for so long been thinking of him.
- He was getting more out of her than any other director had done.
- Outrageously vain of his person.
- Now and slipped between the sheets.
- Side to him. And terribly good-looking. My word.
- From which the fat had been cut, and some dry toast. Julia got up, dressed,
- Prosperous to me. For all you know he may have gone without his dinner for a
- Fan letters. That was how she kept in touch with her public. Having addressed
- Tamerleys, who had never got on very well, agreed to separate. It was indeed
- Her magnetism was incontestable. It gave him quite a thrill to realize on a
- Middle-aged man, and she thought of him as a nice old thing. She was madly
- His beautiful manners she could count upon him not making a nuisance of
- Again she gave a little nod.
- Bred, so cultured, she could not think of him as a lover. It would be like going
- But Michael had perfect health.
- Didn't just want to be seen with her.
That three months had made so much difference in him, or was it merely that
For years she had still seen him with the eyes that had seen him when he came
On the stage to rehearse at Middlepool in the glorious beauty of his youth and
She had been stricken as with a mortal sickness? He was wonderfully
handsome still, after all he was only thirty-six, but he was not a boy any more;
With his close-cropped hair and weather-beaten skin, little lines beginning to
Mark the smoothness of his forehead and to show under his eyes, he was
Definitely a man.
He had lost his coltish grace (он утратил свою юношескую: «жеребячью»
грацию; colt — жеребенок) and his movements were set (в его движениях
чувствовалась скованность; set — неподвижный, застывший, твердый). Each
difference was very small (каждое различие было очень небольшим), but taken
altogether (но, взятые все вместе) they amounted (они были равносильны;
amount — величина, количество; to amount — равняться /чему-л./;
составлять /какую-л. сумму/; доходить до /какого-л. количества/), in her
shrewd, calculating eyes (в ее проницательных, оценивающих: «расчетливых»

глазах), to all the difference in the world (всем различиям в мире). He was a
middle-aged man (он был мужчиной средних лет; middle — середина, age —
They still lived in the small flat (они все еще жили в той маленькой квартире)
that they had taken (которую они сняли) when first they came to London (когда
они приехали в Лондон в первый раз). Though Julia had been for some time
(хотя Джулия в течение определенного времени) earning a good income
(зарабатывала хорошие деньги; income — доход, поступления, прибыль) it had
not seemed worthwhile to move (казалось, что не имеет смысла переезжать;
worthwhile — стоящий, дающий результат) while Michael was on active
service (пока Майкл участвовал в боевых действиях: «был на действующей
военной службе»), but now that a baby was coming (но теперь, когда и ребенок
был на подходе) the flat was obviously too small (квартира была очевидно
слишком мала). Julia had found a house in Regent's Park (Джулия нашла дом на
Риджент Парк) that she liked very much (который ей очень понравился). She
wanted to be settled down (ей хотелось вселиться /и обжиться/) in good time
(заранее) for her confinement (перед /ее/ родами; confinement — тюремное
заключение, уединение, разг. роды).
coltish ['kqVltIS] calculating ['kxlkjVleItIN] confinement [kqn'faInmqnt]
He had lost his coltish grace and his movements were set. Each difference was
Very small, but taken altogether they amounted, in her shrewd, calculating