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Main Throttle Sensor Removal/AdjustmentСодержание книги
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Main Throttle Sensor Input Voltage Inspection NOTE ○Be sure the battery is fully charged. • Turn the ignition switch OFF. • Remove the left center fairings (see Center Fairing Re- moval in the Frame chapter). • Disconnect the main throttle sensor connector and con- nect the harness adapter [A] between these connectors. • Connect a digital meter to the harness adapter lead. Special Tool - Throttle Sensor Harness Adapter: 57001 -1538 • Measure the sensor input voltage with the engine stopped and with the connector joined. • Turn the ignition switch ON. Main Throttle Sensor Input Voltage Connections to Adapter Meter (+) → R (sensor BL) lead Meter (–) → BK (sensor BR/BK) lead Standard: 4.75 ~ 5.25 V DC • Turn the ignition switch OFF. If the input voltage is normal, check the sensor output voltage. If the input voltage is less than the standard, remove the ECU and check the wiring between these connectors. ○Disconnect the ECU and sensor connectors. Wiring Connection ECU Connector [A] ←→ Throttle Sensor Connector [B] BL lead (ECU terminal 10) BR/BK lead (ECU terminal 28) If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
Main Throttle Sensor Output Voltage Inspection • Measure the output voltage at the main throttle sensor in the same way as input voltage inspection, Note the following. • Disconnect the main throttle sensor connector and con- nect the harness adapter [A] between these connectors. Special Tool - Throttle Sensor Harness Adapter: 57001 -1538 • Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly. • Check idle speed to ensure the throttle opening is correct. Idle Speed Standard: 1 300 ±50 r/min (rpm) If the idle speed is out of the specified range, adjust it (see Idle Speed Inspection in the Periodic Maintenance chapter). • Turn off the ignition switch. • Measure the output voltage of the sensor with the engine stopped, and with the connector joined. • Turn the ignition switch ON. Main Throttle Sensor Output Voltage Connections to Adapter Meter (+) → R (sensor Y/W) lead Meter (–) → W (sensor BR/BK) lead Standard: 1.073 ~ 1.077 V DC (at idle throttle opening) 4.29 ~ 4.49 V DC (at full throttle opening) If the output voltage is out of the standard, inspect the main throttle sensor resistance. If the output voltage is normal, check the wiring for conti- nuity. Wiring Connection ECU Connector [A] ←→ Throttle Sensor Connector [B] Y/W lead (ECU terminal 7) BR/BK lead (ECU terminal 28) If the wiring is good, check the ECU for its ground and power supply (see ECU Power Supply Inspection).
Main Throttle Sensor Resistance Inspection • Turn the ignition switch OFF. • Disconnect the main throttle sensor connector. • Connect a digital meter [A] to the main throttle sensor connector [B]. • Measure the main throttle sensor resistance. Main Throttle Sensor Resistance Connections: BL lead [C] ←→ BR/BK lead [D] Standard: 4 ~ 6 kΩ If the reading is out of the range, replace the throttle body assy. If the reading is within the range, but the problem still exists, replace the ECU (see ECU Removal/Installation). Main Throttle Sensor Circuit 1. ECU 2. Water-proof Joint E 3. Water-proof Joint D 4. Main Throttle Sensor
Inlet Air Pressure Sensor Removal • Remove: Left Upper Inner Fairing (see Upper Inner Fairing Re- moval in the Frame chapter) • Disconnect the inlet air pressure sensor connector [A] and the vacuum hose. • Pull up the inlet air pressure sensor [B].
Inlet Air Pressure Sensor Installation • Install: Vacuum Hose Inlet Air Pressure Sensor Inlet Air Pressure Sensor Input Voltage Inspection NOTE ○Be sure the battery is fully charged. ○The inspection is the same as “Input Voltage Inspection” of the main throttle sensor. • Turn the ignition switch OFF. • Remove the ECU (see ECU Removal). Do not disconnect the ECU connectors. • Connect a digital voltmeter [A] to the connector [B] with the needle adapter set.
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