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Pilot Screw Adjuster, E: 57001-1603↑ Стр 1 из 32Следующая ⇒ Содержание книги
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Oil Filter Wrench: 57001-1249
Fuel System (DFI) Air Cleaner Element Cleaning NOTE ○In dusty areas, the element should be cleaned more frequently than the recommended interval. ○After riding through rain or on muddily roads, the ele- ment should be cleaned immediately.
• Remove: Fuel Tank (see Fuel Tank Removal in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter) Air Switching Valve Hose [A] (Disconnect) Air Cleaner Element Screw [B] Air Cleaner Element [C]
• Remove: Upper Plastic Holder [A] Element [B]
NOTE ○The wire screen [A] is fastened with an adhesive for the shaded portion [B]. Do not remove the wire screen.
• Clean the element [A] in a bath of high-flash point solvent, and then dry it with compressed air or by shaking it. • After cleaning, saturate a clean, lint-free towel with SE, SF, or SG class SAE 30 oil and apply the oil to the element by tapping the element outside with the towel. • Visually check the element for tears or breaks. • If the element has any tears or breaks, replace the ele- ment. • Install the element unit [A] with the foam element side (gray) [B] facing down.
Throttle Control System Inspection • Check that the throttle grip moves smoothly from full open to close [A], and the throttle closes quickly and completely by the return spring in all steering positions. If the throttle grip doesn’t return properly, check the throt- tle cable routing, grip free play, and cable damage. Then lubricate the throttle cable.
• Check the throttle grip free play [A]. If the free play is incorrect, adjust the throttle cable. Throttle Grip Free Play Standard: 2 ~ 3 mm (0.08 ~ 0.12 in.)
If necessary, adjust the throttle cable as follows. • Loosen the locknut [A] at the upper end of the accelerator cable. • Turn the adjuster [B] in completely so as to give the throttle grip plenty of play.
• Remove the right center fairing (see Center Fairing Re- moval in the Frame chapter). • Loosen the locknut [A] at the middle of the decelerator cable. • Turn the adjuster [B] until there is no play when the throttle grip is completely closed. • Tighten the locknut. • Turn the accelerator cable adjuster until the proper amount of throttle grip free play is obtained. • Tighten the locknut. Engine Vacuum Synchronization Inspection NOTE ○These procedures are explained on the assumption that the inlet and exhaust systems of the engine are in good condition. • Situate the motorcycle so that it is vertical. • Remove the center fairings (see Center Fairing Removal in the Frame chapter). • Pull off the rubber caps [A] from the fitting of each throttle body (In the photo, the throttle body has been removed
for clarity.). • Connect a commercially available vacuum gauge and hoses [A] to the fittings of the throttle body as shown. • Connect a highly accurate tachometer to one of the stick coil primary leads.
• Start the engine and warm it up thoroughly. • Check the idle speed. Tachometer [A] • Open and close the throttle.
If the idle speed is out of the specified range, adjust it. • While idling the engine, inspect the engine vacuum, using the vacuum gauge [B]. Engine Vacuum Standard: 35.3 ±1.3 kPa (265 ±10 mmHg) at Idle Speed 1 300 ±50 r/min (rpm) If any one vacuum is not within the specification, turn in the bypass screws until it seats fully but not tightly.
Special Tool - Pilot Screw Adjuster, E [A]: 57001-1603 • Turn out the bypass screw of the higher vacuum between #1 [A] and #2 [B] to the lower vacuum. • Open and close the throttle valves after each measure- ment and adjust the idle speed as necessary. • Inspect the vacuums as before. If both vacuums are within the specification, finish the en- gine vacuum synchronization. If any vacuum can not be adjusted within the specification, remove the bypass screws #1, #2 and clean them.
• Remove the bypass screw [A], spring [B], washer [C] and O-ring [D]. ○Check the bypass screw and its hole for carbon deposits. If any carbon accumulates, wipe the carbon off the bypass screw and the hole, using a cotton pad penetrated with a high-flash point solvent. ○Replace the O-ring with a new one. ○Check the tapered portion [E] of the bypass screw for wear or damage. If the bypass screw is worn or damaged, replace it. • Turn in the bypass screw until it seats fully but not tightly.
• Repeat the same procedure for other bypass screws. • Repeat the synchronization. If the vacuums are correct, check the output voltage of the main throttle sensor (see Main Throttle Sensor Output Voltage Inspection in the Fuel System (DFI) chapter).
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