adyaitad dhari-nara-rūpam adbhutaṁ te
The Kinnaras said: O supreme controller! We are your servants, but we were engaged constantly by this demon in rendering free service to him. O master! This cause of suffering has now been killed by you. O Lord Narasiṁha! Please act for our prosperity!
Viṣtim means service without pay. We are engaged constantly (anu) without pay. Vṛjinaḥ means “one who gives suffering.”
|| 7.8.56 ||
śrī-viṣṇu-pārṣadā ūcuḥ
adyaitad dhari-nara-rūpam adbhutaṁ te
dṛṣṭaṁ naḥ śaraṇada sarva-loka-śarma
so 'yaṁ te vidhikara īśa vipra-śaptas
tasyedaṁ nidhanam anugrahāya vidmaḥ
The associates of Lord Viṣṇu said: O Lord, our supreme giver of shelter! Today we have seen your amazing form as Nṛsiṁhadeva, good fortune for the entire world. O Lord! We can understand that this demon was your servant, who was cursed by the Kumāras and that you killed him as an act of mercy to him.
Hiraṇyakaśipu was your servant (vidhikaraḥ), who was cursed by the Kumāras.
Thus ends the commentary on the Eighth Chapter of the Seventh Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.
Chapter Nine
Prahlāda Offers Prayers
|| 7.9.1 ||
śrī-nārada uvāca
evaṁ surādayaḥ sarve
brahma-rudra-puraḥ sarāḥ
nopaitum aśakan manyu-
saṁrambhaṁ sudurāsadam
Nārada said: The devatās, headed by Lord Brahmā, Lord Śiva and other great devatās, dared not come before the Lord, who could not be approached because of his absorption in anger.
In the Ninth Chapter Prahlāda, ordered by Brahmā, approaches the Lord and offers prayers so that the devatās can approach him. What to speak of others, even Lakṣmī could not calm Nṛsiṁha. Prahlāda however understood that Nṛsiṁha was the embodiment of affection.
“Why did the devatās praise the Lord from far off while revealing their individual miseries?” The Lord was absorbed in anger.
|| 7.9.2 ||