sa tasya hastotkalitas tadāsuro
sa tasya hastotkalitas tadāsuro
vikrīḍato yadvad ahir garutmataḥ
asādhv amanyanta hṛtaukaso 'marā
ghana-cchadā bhārata sarva-dhiṣṇya-pāḥ
O Yudhiṣṭhira! When Nṛsiṁha gave Hiraṇyakaśipu a chance to slip from his hand, just as Garuḍa sometimes lets a snake slip from his mouth, the devatās, who had lost their abodes and were hiding behind the clouds, did not consider that incident good fortune.
The demon slipped from his hands. The devatās were hidden by clouds, fearing the anger of the demon who would think, “They want to see me die”. Without homes, they thought that it was unfortunate that the demon had escaped from the hands of the Lord. “He has taken our homes. Now, if he lives, he will take our lives!”
|| 7.8.27 ||
taṁ manyamāno nija-vīrya-śaṅkitaṁ
yad dhasta-mukto nṛhariṁ mahāsuraḥ
punas tam āsajjata khaḍga-carmaṇī
pragṛhya vegena gata-śramo mṛdhe
Hiraṇyakaśipu, thinking that the Lord was afraid of his prowess because he escaped from the Lord’s hands, with his fatigue of fighting gone, took up his sword and shield and again attacked the Lord with great force.
Thinking that the Lord was afraid of his prowess because (yat) he got free from the Lord’s hands, he again attacked.
|| 7.8.28 ||
taṁ śyena-vegaṁ śata-candra-vartmabhiś
carantam acchidram upary-adho hariḥ
kṛtvāṭṭa-hāsaṁ kharam utsvanolbaṇaṁ
nimīlitākṣaṁ jagṛhe mahā-javaḥ
Laughing loudly with a terrifying sound, the swift Lord captured the demon who was moving up and down with the speed of a hawk and leaving no vulnerable spot by using his shield and sword, but who had closed his eyes out of fear of the laughter.
Śata-candra-vartmabhiḥ means “by the use of his shield and sword.” The demon had closed his eyes out of fear from the loud laughter.
|| 7.8.29 ||
viṣvak sphurantaṁ grahaṇāturaṁ harir