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tasya me 'bhītavan mūḍha


kruddhasya yasya kampante

trayo lokāḥ saheśvarāḥ

tasya me 'bhītavan mūḍha

śāsanaṁ kiṁ balo 'tyagāḥ

Fool! When I am angry all the three worlds tremble, along with their rulers. By whose strength, without fear, have you violated my order?

Balaḥ means “whose strength.”

|| 7.8.7 ||

śrī-prahrāda uvāca

na kevalaṁ me bhavataś ca rājan

sa vai balaṁ balināṁ cāpareṣām

pare 'vare 'mī sthira-jaṅgamā ye

brahmādayo yena vaśaṁ praṇītāḥ

Prahlāda said: The Lord is my strength and your strength and the strength of others who are strong. By him, all creatures high and low, moving and non-moving, headed by Brahmā, are controlled.  

|| 7.8.8 ||

sa īśvaraḥ kāla urukramo 'sāv

ojaḥ sahaḥ sattva-balendriyātmā

sa eva viśvaṁ paramaḥ sva-śaktibhiḥ

sṛjaty avaty atti guṇa-trayeśaḥ

He is the Supreme Lord. He is time and performer of great deeds. He is the strength of the senses, mind and body. He is the mind, senses and body. The Supreme Lord creates, maintains and destroys the universe by his śaktis. He is master of the three guṇas.

|| 7.8.9 ||

jahy āsuraṁ bhāvam imaṁ tvam ātmanaḥ

samaṁ mano dhatsva na santi vidviṣaḥ

ṛte 'jitād ātmana utpathe sthitāt

tad dhi hy anantasya mahat samarhaṇam

Give up your demonic nature. Make your mind equal to all beings. There are no enemies except the mind which is uncontrolled and deviant. Worship the unlimited Lord. 


Give up your demonic nature and make your mind think yourself and others to be equal. “How can I make my mind equal to enemies?’ There are no enemies, except for the mind (ātmanaḥ), which is uncontrolled. When you control the mind and see everyone equal to yourself, you will not see any enemies. That is being equal everywhere. Smarahaṇam means worship.

|| 7.8.10||

dasyūn purā ṣaṇ na vijitya lumpato


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