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vayam anucara-mukhyāḥ karmabhis te mano-jñais


śrī-yakṣā ūcuḥ

vayam anucara-mukhyāḥ karmabhis te mano-jñais

ta iha diti-sutena prāpitā vāhakatvam

sa tu jana-paritāpaṁ tat-kṛtaṁ jānatā te

narahara upanītaḥ pañcatāṁ pañca-viṁśa

The Yakṣas said: O controller of the twenty-four elements! We are your chief attendants, rendering pleasing services. The demon forced us to be his palanquin carriers. O Narahari! Knowing the misery he inflicted on us, you killed him.

We are the chief experts in serving you by pleasing actions. Or we are chief among your devotees. We (te) have been forced to carry his palanquin. He has been killed by you, who know his afflictions to the people. O controller of the twenty-four elements (pañca-viṁśa)!

|| 7.8.53 ||

śrī-kimpuruṣā ūcuḥ

vayaṁ kimpuruṣās tvaṁ tu

mahā-puruṣa īśvaraḥ

ayaṁ kupuruṣo naṣṭo

dhik-kṛtaḥ sādhubhir yadā

The Kimpuruṣas said: We are insignificant living entities, and you are the Supreme Lord, the supreme controller. When this demon was condemned by devotees, he was then killed by you.

|| 7.8.54 ||

śrī-vaitālikā ūcuḥ

sabhāsu satreṣu tavāmalaṁ yaśo

gītvā saparyāṁ mahatīṁ labhāmahe

yas tām anaiṣīd vaśam eṣa durjano

dviṣṭyā hatas te bhagavan yathāmayaḥ

The inhabitants of Vitala-loka said: Dear Lord! Because of chanting your spotless glories in great assemblies and arenas of sacrifice, we gained great respect from everyone. By good fortune you have killed this sinful man, like a disease, who usurped our due respect.

He took that respect offered to us and brought it under his control.

|| 7.8.55 ||

śrī-kinnarā ūcuḥ

vayam īśa kinnara-gaṇās tavānugā

ditijena viṣṭim amunānukāritāḥ

bhavatā hare sa vṛjino 'vasādito

narasiṁha nātha vibhavāya no bhava


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