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gopāyeta haris tvādya


śiraḥ kāyād dharāmi te

gopāyeta haris tvādya

yas te śaraṇam īpsitam

Because you are speaking so much nonsense, I shall now sever your head from your body. Now let your Lord who is your preferred shelter save you!

Hiraṇyakaśipu does not see the Lord. He then speaks this verse.

|| 7.8.14 ||

evaṁ duruktair muhur ardayan ruṣā

sutaṁ mahā-bhāgavataṁ mahāsuraḥ

khaḍgaṁ pragṛhyotpatito varāsanāt

stambhaṁ tatāḍātibalaḥ sva-muṣṭinā

Obsessed with anger, mighty Hiraṇyakaśipu, continuously abusing his exalted devotee-son with harsh words, took up his sword, rose from his exalted throne, and struck his fist against the column.

|| 7.8.15 ||

tadaiva tasmin ninado 'tibhīṣaṇo

babhūva yenāṇḍa-kaṭāham asphuṭat

yaṁ vai sva-dhiṣṇyopagataṁ tv ajādayaḥ

śrutvā sva-dhāmātyayam aṅga menire

At that time, from within the pillar came a fearful sound, as if the covering of the universe was cracking. O Yudhiṣṭhira, when the sound reached the abodes of the devatās like Lord Brahmā, the devatās, hearing it, thought that their abodes would be destroyed.

The sound appeared to crack the universe. Hearing that sound (yam), the devatās thought that they abodes were being destroyed (atyayam).


|| 7.8.16||

sa vikraman putra-vadhepsur ojasā

niśamya nirhrādam apūrvam adbhutam

antaḥ-sabhāyāṁ na dadarśa tat-padaṁ

vitatrasur yena surāri-yūtha-pāḥ

While showing his extraordinary prowess, Hiraṇyakaśipu, who desired to kill his own son, heard that astonishing, tumultuous sound which had never before been heard. Upon hearing the sound, the other leaders of the demons became frightened and could not see the origin of that sound in the assembly.

They could not see the source of that sound (tat-padam).

|| 7.8.17 ||

satyaṁ vidhātuṁ nija-bhṛtya-bhāṣitaṁ


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