bhavatā khalaḥ sa upasaṁhṛtaḥ prabho
bhavatā khalaḥ sa upasaṁhṛtaḥ prabho
karavāma te kim anuśādhi kiṅkarān
The Manus said: O Lord! We, who carry out your orders, have had our laws of varṇāśrama reversed by the son of Diti. The sinner has been killed by you. O master! What can we do for you? Please instruct your servants.
Suddenly receiving the glance of Nṛsiṁha, the Manus with hands folded on their heads say that they are ready to carry out his commands. The Manus refers to those who had already appeared.[112] Setavaḥ means the rules of varṇāśrama.
|| 7.8.49 ||
śrī-prajāpataya ūcuḥ
prajeśā vayaṁ te pareśābhisṛṣṭā
na yena prajā vai sṛjāmo niṣiddhāḥ
sa eṣa tvayā bhinna-vakṣā nu śete
jagan-maṅgalaṁ sattva-mūrte 'vatāraḥ
The Prajāpatis said: O Supreme Lord! We, the Prajāpatis, have been created by you. By piercing his chest you have killed this demon who forbade us to create progeny. O form of pure sattva! Your appearance is auspicious for the world.
O Supreme Lord! The demon gave us the order not to create progeny (niṣiddhāḥ) O form of sattva! Your appearance is auspicious for the world.
|| 7.8.50 ||
śrī-gandharvā ūcuḥ
vayaṁ vibho te naṭa-nāṭya-gāyakā
yenātmasād vīrya-balaujasā kṛtāḥ
sa eṣa nīto bhavatā daśām imāṁ
kim utpathasthaḥ kuśalāya kalpate
The Gandharvas said: O Lord! We are your dancers and singers. You have killed this demon who subjugated us by his prowess, bodily strength and sensual strength. What benefit is such a person?
We were subjugated by him. We had to perform dances and sing for him.
|| 7.8.51 ||
śrī-cāraṇā ūcuḥ
hare tavāṅghri-paṅkajaṁ
bhavāpavargam āśritāḥ
yad eṣa sādhu-hṛc-chayas
tvayāsuraḥ samāpitaḥ
The Cāraṇas said: O Lord! Because you have destroyed the demon Hiraṇyakaśipu, who audaciously slept in beds in the hearts of the devotees, we take shelter of your lotus feet, which award liberation from the material world.
He sleeps even in the bed of the heart of the devotees. Not tolerating that, you killed him (samāpitaḥ). From today, you alone should sleep in their hearts.
|| 7.8.52 ||