Содержание книги

  1. Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.
  2. What other types of engines do you know? What is the difference between them?
  3. Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
  4. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
  5. Underline the proper item to complete the sentences.
  6. Why do you think design is necessary in industry?
  7. Group the following words into three columns: nouns, adjectives and verbs. Some of them fit into more than one column.
  8. Pre-listening: match the English words with their definitions.
  9. what information may be included in the website
  10. What do you think can be done to make manufacturing more environmentally friendly? Why is it important?
  11. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
  12. Listen to the text again and complete the sentences.
  13. Complete the following sentences using the correct prepositions.
  14. Grammar references. Іменник (the noun). Множина іменників. Присвійний відмінок іменника
  15. Неозначені займенники some, any, no та їх похідні somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, no one, nothing.
  16. Прикметник (the Adjective) / Прислівник (the Adverb)
  17. good – well. hard – hard. early – early. fast – fast. late – late. long – long. high – high. straight – straight. low – low. deep – deep. right – right. near – near. wrong - wrong. good/well. bad/badly. much/many/a lot of. little. better. farther/further.
  18. Порядок слів у розповідному, запитальному та заперечному реченні. Коротка відповідь на запитання.
  19. підмет. присудок. додаток. обставина місця. обставина часу. Що робить?. I. Загальні запитання. I. Спеціальні запитання. Who didJohn see yesterday?. III. Альтернативні запитання
  20. Особливості вимови та написання дієслівних закінчень.
  21. Утворення часів активного стану (див. Зведену таблицю часів активного стану)
  22. Активний стан Дієслова (the Active Voice)
  23. Doyou work? –Doeshe work? Yes, I do. / No, he doesn’t.
  24. Yesterday, last night/week/month/year/Monday, та ін, two days/ weeks/months/years ago, then, when, in 1992, та ін.
  25. Washe / werethey watching? – Yes, he was. / No, they weren’t.
  26. when, while, as, all day/night/morning, та ін.
  27. Willhe /she / they have left? - Yes, he / she / they will. No, he / she / they won’t.
  28. Before, after, already, just, till/until, when, by, by the time, та ін.
  29. THE Present Perfect-Continuous
  30. the Present Simple: am/is/are + pp
  31. Модальні дієслова (the Modal Verbs)
  32. Узгодження часів (the Sequence of Tenses)
  33. Перетворення стверджувальних та заперечних речень у непряму мову.
  34. Перетворення запитальних речень у непряму мову
  35. Перетворення спонукальних речень з прямої у непряму мову
  36. Дієприкметник (the Participle)
  37. Умовний спосіб дієслова (the Conditionals)
  38. If you put water in the freezer,
  39. Найбільш вживані скорочення дієслівних форм
  40. Unit 1 the National technical University of Ukraine "kyiv Polytechnic institute"
  41. Unit 3 from the history of computer
  43. Unit 6 environmental protection
  44. Unit 8 gravity, friction and magnetism
  45. Unit 10 complex machines. Bicycle. Recording 1. Recording 2. Unit 11 metals. Unit 12 mechanical properties
  46. Material properties. Unit 13 numbers. Unit 14 numerals. Unit 15 geometric figures. Dimensional. Unit 16 measuring instruments
  47. Eco-friendly light bulb wins design award
  48. Chopsticks for China, Made in America
  49. Am f           c      g Я преклонюсь пред тобой, иисус, am f    c g
  50. Honza říká, že bude u Lenky

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Unit 10 complex machines. Bicycle. Recording 1. Recording 2. Unit 11 metals. Unit 12 mechanical properties



Recording 1

Now, count up the parts on your drawing. Did you include wheels? A handlebar? A saddle? A chain? A crossbar? Pedals? Did your bike have at least five parts? And could it work? Now for the difference between the men’s drawings of bicycle and women’s: female drawings often include a person riding the bike, men’s drawings don’t usually include a person. This is a clear indication that women think people are important. Men, on the other hand, are more interested in getting the machine right.

Recording 2

P = Presenter  W1 = 1st woman

M1 = 1st man  W2 = 2nd woman

P: Here are some comments from men and women who did the test.

W1: Hmmm. Well, I only got four parts right. How many did you get right?

M1: I only got four. How many did you get?

W2: I’ve got. I’ve got five, but none of us got the chain, did we so…

M1: Mine hasn’t even got pedals…

W2: No, mine hasn’t got pedals…

M1: Pedals nor chains so mine will never work!

W2: But if you’ve got pedals and no chain it’s not going to work anyway…

M1: It’ll have to be going downhill…

W2: And also that, um, that means the explanation for men making the bike work doesn’t because you, you…

M1: That’s right … of the two women and one man none of us drew…

W2: Have made the bike work.

M1: … yeah, and none of us drew a person … so the explanation about women wanting to put a person on there is hasn’t proven correct for you two….

W1: No, not with us … no.

M1: And mine is meant to be all about functionality and hasn’t … ah, I’ve got a little bird on my handlebars though….

W2: It’s very clear drawing though, yours…

W1: I think mine is more male than yours, maybe? Yes…

M1: I think you’re right…

Unit 11 METALS

Sophia: OK, so steel bodywork versus aluminium bodywork.

Peter: What about pre-use, then?

Sophia: Well, I think it takes a lot of energy to produce aluminium, compared with steel, because aluminium's made by electrolysis.

Peter: Yeah. So steel's better, presumably.

Sophia: I think so, yeah. But, hang on a minute with aluminium, it depends how much is derive from ore, and how much is recovered from recycled material. As far as I know recycling aluminium takes less energy. So I'm not really sure.

Peter: Presumably, it'll be mixed, won't it? For a given batch, there'll be so much new material and so much recycled material.

Sophia: Probably, yeah. OK, so that needs to be researched, then.

Peter: Is car bodywork galvanised when it's made from steel?

Sophia: Um ... good question. I'm not sure.

Peter: lf it is, if it has to be coated with zinc, the that would take extra material and extra energy So that's an important consideration.

Sophia: Mm, true. OK, so that's another question to note.

Peter: Then there's the energy consumed when they're transporting bulk metal to the car plant

Sophia: Presumably aluminium takes less energy to transport, being lighter.

Peter: I'd say so, yeah.

Sophia: OK. What about manufacturing?

Peter: Well, aluminium would be lighter to handle wouldn't it? lt probably takes less energy to cut, as well.

Sophia: Yeah. Not sure whether it takes less energy to weld, compared with steel.

Peter: Cood question. Another thing to check out

Sophia: Mm, what about in-use, then? | assume aluminium's better because it's lighter, so you consume less fuel.

Peter: Yeah. And it should last longer, as well.

Sophia: Mm, is that an environmental consideration, though?

Peter: Well, yeah, because if things last longer, they need to be manufactured less often.


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