Содержание книги

  1. Fill in the gaps with some, any, no or one of their compounds.
  2. What other types of engines do you know? What is the difference between them?
  3. Fill in the words from the list below. Use each word only once.
  4. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
  5. Underline the proper item to complete the sentences.
  6. Why do you think design is necessary in industry?
  7. Group the following words into three columns: nouns, adjectives and verbs. Some of them fit into more than one column.
  8. Pre-listening: match the English words with their definitions.
  9. what information may be included in the website
  10. What do you think can be done to make manufacturing more environmentally friendly? Why is it important?
  11. Listen to the text and answer the following questions.
  12. Listen to the text again and complete the sentences.
  13. Complete the following sentences using the correct prepositions.
  14. Grammar references. Іменник (the noun). Множина іменників. Присвійний відмінок іменника
  15. Неозначені займенники some, any, no та їх похідні somebody, someone, something, anybody, anyone, anything, nobody, no one, nothing.
  16. Прикметник (the Adjective) / Прислівник (the Adverb)
  17. good – well. hard – hard. early – early. fast – fast. late – late. long – long. high – high. straight – straight. low – low. deep – deep. right – right. near – near. wrong - wrong. good/well. bad/badly. much/many/a lot of. little. better. farther/further.
  18. Порядок слів у розповідному, запитальному та заперечному реченні. Коротка відповідь на запитання.
  19. підмет. присудок. додаток. обставина місця. обставина часу. Що робить?. I. Загальні запитання. I. Спеціальні запитання. Who didJohn see yesterday?. III. Альтернативні запитання
  20. Особливості вимови та написання дієслівних закінчень.
  21. Утворення часів активного стану (див. Зведену таблицю часів активного стану)
  22. Активний стан Дієслова (the Active Voice)
  23. Doyou work? –Doeshe work? Yes, I do. / No, he doesn’t.
  24. Yesterday, last night/week/month/year/Monday, та ін, two days/ weeks/months/years ago, then, when, in 1992, та ін.
  25. Washe / werethey watching? – Yes, he was. / No, they weren’t.
  26. when, while, as, all day/night/morning, та ін.
  27. Willhe /she / they have left? - Yes, he / she / they will. No, he / she / they won’t.
  28. Before, after, already, just, till/until, when, by, by the time, та ін.
  29. THE Present Perfect-Continuous
  30. the Present Simple: am/is/are + pp
  31. Модальні дієслова (the Modal Verbs)
  32. Узгодження часів (the Sequence of Tenses)
  33. Перетворення стверджувальних та заперечних речень у непряму мову.
  34. Перетворення запитальних речень у непряму мову
  35. Перетворення спонукальних речень з прямої у непряму мову
  36. Дієприкметник (the Participle)
  37. Умовний спосіб дієслова (the Conditionals)
  38. If you put water in the freezer,
  39. Найбільш вживані скорочення дієслівних форм
  40. Unit 1 the National technical University of Ukraine "kyiv Polytechnic institute"
  41. Unit 3 from the history of computer
  43. Unit 6 environmental protection
  44. Unit 8 gravity, friction and magnetism
  45. Unit 10 complex machines. Bicycle. Recording 1. Recording 2. Unit 11 metals. Unit 12 mechanical properties
  46. Material properties. Unit 13 numbers. Unit 14 numerals. Unit 15 geometric figures. Dimensional. Unit 16 measuring instruments
  47. Eco-friendly light bulb wins design award
  48. Chopsticks for China, Made in America
  49. Am f           c      g Я преклонюсь пред тобой, иисус, am f    c g
  50. Honza říká, že bude u Lenky

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Eco-friendly light bulb wins design award


Gauge, sometimes also spelled “gage”, means to estimate the size or amount of something. A gauge is also a tool such as a speedometer inside a car to see how fast the car is going. See the additional examples below:

I wasn’t able to gauge how tall he was from the pictures.

The gauge was broken so I didn't know the temperature was so high.


CHRISTOPHER CRUISE: Kevlar is another invention that has saved many people from serious injury and death. Kevlar is a fibrous material with qualities that make it able to reject bullets. Added to clothing, the material protects security officers and soldiers across the world.

The fibers form a protective barrier against gunfire. Bullets lose their shape when they strike Kevlar. Those bullets look like mushrooms, and do not enter the body. Most threats to police and security officers come from handguns. They wear Kevlar vests to protect the upper body. Soldiers wear more extensive clothing protected with Kevlar against heavier ammunition.

BOB DOUGHTY: Kevlar might not have been invented had Stephanie Kwolek been able to seek a career in medicine. From childhood, she wanted to be a doctor. But she lacked the money for a medical education.

Today, thousands of people are glad that Stephanie Kwolek became a research chemist. In that job, she developed the first liquid crystal polymer. The polymer was a chemical product that formed the basis for Kevlar.

BOB DOUGHTY: By the nineteen sixties, DuPont already had produced materials like nylon and Dacron. The company wanted to develop a new fiber. Stephanie Kwolek was part of a DuPont research group that asked to work on its development.



By 1800 many industries were using steam engines, designed by James Watt (from where we get the electrical measurement - Watt). Richard Trevithick, a Cornish engineer, refined Watts’ invention and after failing to build a steam powered road vehicle, he designed the first locomotive for an Iron Works in Wales. He called it a 'puffer' because of the noise it made, and on its first journey it traveled at almost 8 km/h an hour! Unfortunately, it was so heavy that it broke the rails - it only made three journeys. But it had shown that steam engines could be used to move trains, and speeds began to increase.

The next 130 years can be described as a Golden Age of Steam. Railways were built all over the world, and the size, speed and comfort of trains continued to increase. By 1870 it was possible to cross America by train, and the building of railways in many other countries allowed people and progress to move quickly across the world.

The fastest steam train in the world was The Mallard. This locomotive traveled up and down the east coast of England between London and York, and in 1938 reached 202 km/h.

Although it is still possible to travel on the Trans-Siberian railway, and take the Orient Express from Paris to Vienna, steam trains such as the Mallard or Flying Scotsman, have not traveled regularly for almost 30 years in many countries. Diesel powered locomotives or trains running on electrified lines now run on most railways. Modern trains are cleaner and much faster than steam engines but many people still miss the puffing sound and the romance of steam.



Reporter: Now here is a bright idea- a designer, low-energy light bulb. So now, if you want to illuminate your home in an eco-friendly fashion, you have this curvaceouschoice. The designers spent a great deal of time worrying about what might turn people on, and what might turn them off. Their quest was to marrypracticality, something that actually works, with a sense of style and beauty, to create an object of desire. Something that you not only wanted to own, but hopefully also wanted to keep.

Nicolas Roope: And that's really the role of the designer, I think, is to make objects that people really connect with and really cherish, you know. I think that's one of our roles, and obviously in this case this isn't just about prettifying. This is about, you know, obviously, the underlying problemof getting people to adoptthis stuff, because obviously that's in everybody's interests. Reporter: That is if money is not too much of an issue - funky costs. Each one is nearly £20. That's up to twenty times the price of some other low-energy bulbs.

It's too early to judge if this product has a dazzlingfuture, but its creators will be reassured to know that at least one major household goods retailer said its customers did not consider light bulbs dull. In fact, to them, design matters.


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