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Підручник з англійської мови “English for Medical Specialists” для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів України ІІІ-IV рівня акредитації. Частина І.
ISBN Основна мета підручника – систематизувати та поглибити знання студентів вищих медичних закладів з фонетики, словотворення, граматики та лексики англійської мови та розвинути навички читання та перекладу літератури за фахом, а також сприяти можливості усного мовлення за фаховими темами. Підручник розрахований для студентів, магістрів та аспірантів вищих медичних навчальних закладів України ІІІ-IV рівня акредитації. Може бути використаним для проведення практичних занять та самостійної роботи.
ПЕРЕДМОВА Знання іноземних мов є важливою передумовою для налагодження особистих, культурних, професійних та економічних контактів. Зростаючі потреби в спілкуванні та співпраці між країнами і людьми з різними мовними та культурними традиціями, зміни освітніх концепцій, перехід від традиційних форм навчання до пошуку нових, ефективніших вимагають суттєвих змін у підході до викладання іноземних мов в вищій школі, особливо в умовах кредитно-модульної системи навчання відповідно до вимог Болонського процесу. З урахуванням оновлених цілей, методів та освітніх технологій навчання іноземним мовам на основі програми з англійської мови для вищих медичних закладів освіти України ІІІ-ІУ рівнів акредитації створений підручник з англійської мови “English for Medical Specialists”. Його мета – сприяти розвиткові та поглибленню базових навичок фахового спілкування, що передбачає оволодіння відповідними фонетичними, лексичними, граматичними та стилістичними засобами. При цьому автори намагалися сприяти засвоєнню лінгвістичного компоненту мови у нерозривному поєднанні з соціокультурним компонентом та прагматичною ефективністю. Підручник складається з двох частин – для студентів першого та другого року навчання. Перша частина містить 2 розділи (2 модулі: 1 та 2), що включають 33 уроки, друга частина – 3 розділи (3 модулі: 3, 4 та 5), тобто 31 урок (з 34 по 64). Кожну частину доповнює матеріал зі словотворення, граматичний довідник та словник. Підручник включає автентичні чи частково адаптовані тексти фахового спрямування, що належать до наукового, науково-популярного та офіційно-ділового стилів різних жанрів, наприклад, інструкції до вживання ліків, статті з довідників, фрагменти наукових журнальних статей, історії хвороб. Усі тексти містять слова та граматичні конструкції високочастотного вжитку, а також терміни вузьких тематичних сфер. Чимало текстів супроводжується фото, малюнками. Запропонована система вправ спрямована на розвиток різних видів мовленнєвої діяльності та містить завдання різного ступеня складності.
Автори підручника висловлюють свою подяку кафедрі іноземних мов з латинської мовою та медичною термінологією Вищого державного навчального закладу України “Українська Медична Стоматологічна Академія”, особливо зав. каф., к. філол. н., доц. І.М. Сологор, к. філол. н., доц, Р.В.Шиленко, доц. Л.В. Потяженко, ст. викл. І.Г. Романко, викл. Н.М. Демченко за рецензування та підготовку підручника до друку.
I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement: To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art. I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion. But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts. I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art. In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with men, be they free or slaves. All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal. If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all men and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my lot.
PHONETICS Ex. 1. Practice the spelling of the following sounds: [b], [p], [g], [k], [t], [T], [s], [D], [z], [S], [C], [f], [v], [w], [d], [G], [h], [l], [m], [n], [N], [Z], [r].
Ex. 2. Read the following words:
GRAMMAR: Ex. 3. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following tables: TO BE (Active Voice) PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE (Affirmative Form)
Ex. 4. Read and translate the following sentences. Determine the subject, the predicate, and the tense of each sentence: MODEL: They are from Spain. "They" is a subject, "are" is a predicate, Present Simple Tense.
1. He is a teacher in Italy. 2. Mike is nineteen. 3. They are not doctors. 4. Her son was an accountant. 5. She is my daughter. 6. They are friends. 7. We were students. 8. He will be a therapeutist. Ex. 5. Insert the missing verbs and translate the sentences into Ukrainian: 1. He _ nine years old. 2. She _ sixteen years old. 3. My friends _ doctors. 4. My father _ a dentist. 5. My brother's name _ Nick. 6. I _ in the classroom. 7. We _ at the lecture. 8. Yesterday he _ in Egypt. 9. Some years ago my father _ a lawyer. 10. My friends _ at home last month. 11. He _ a therapeutist in 2023. 12. These students _ in the hospital next week.
Ex. 6. Put the verbs into Past and Future Simple Tenses. 1. My family is neither big nor small. 2. My friends are in the hospital. 3. We are businessmen. 4. I am in a lecture hall. 5. Daniel is a policeman. 6. Patrick is twenty-eight.
Ex. 7. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. Він – мій друг. 2. Їй 16 років. 3. Вони – мої батьки. 4. Ганна знаходиться в цьому залі. 5. Він буде хорошим стоматологом. 6. Моя донька була студенткою кілька років тому.
Ex. 8. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table: TO BE (Interrogative Form)
Ex. 9. Read and translate the following questions: 1. Is he a medical student? 2. Are they busy? 3. Were you at home some days ago? 4. Will the students be at home at 6 o'clock? 5. Where are you from? 6. What is your mother's name? 7. Where is Mike? 8. How old are you? 9. How old was your father five years ago? 10. What is his job? 11. What is your address?
Ex. 10. Ask the questions supplying the missing verbs: 1. What _ your name (surname)? 2. How old _ you? 3. What _ your occupation? 4. What year student _ you? 5. _ you Ukrainian? 6. Where _ you from? 7. _ your family large (small)? 8. What _ your father's occupation? 9. How old _ your father? 10. What kind of person _ your father? 11. _ he busy (skilled, respectable)?
Ex. 11. Turn the following sentences into interrogative: A. (General Questions) 1. Mike is a medical student. 2. They were in the cinema yesterday. 3. He was in Paris last month. 4. She is twenty years old. 5. This dictionary is old. B. (Special Questions) 1. My fellow-student is twenty (How old). 2. They are at the Academy (Where). 3. Simon will be a doctor in six years (When). 4. They were at the party last night (Where). 5. My mother is very young (Who). Ex. 12. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Чи ваша родина велика? – Так. 2. Чи ваш батько робітник? – Ні, мій батько інженер. Він працює на заводі. 3. Чи Ви лікар? – Ні. 4. Ти студент чи учень? – Я – студент. 5 Чи Ви студент першого курсу? – Так. 6. Чи Ви одружений? – Я неодружений. 7. Чи ваш батько службовець? – Ні, мій батько робітник. 8. Чи Ви українець? – Так.
Ex. 13. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table: TO BE (Negative Form)
Ex. 14. Turn the sentences of the 4th exercise into negative form. Ex. 15. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table:
TO HAVE (Affirmative Form, Active Voice) PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE
You they it PAST SIMPLE TENSE I he she it
we you they
you we
it they
Ex. 16. Read and translate the following sentences: 1. This country has a small population. 2. She has got a CD player. 3. We had a computer. 4. My fellow-student will have many subjects. 5. They have practical classes in Biology, Anatomy, and Physics. 6. These students had some lectures last week.
NOTE: " Have got " means the same as " have " to talk about possession. "Have got" is often used in spoken English.
Ex. 17. Insert the missing verbs and translate the sentences into Ukrainian: 1. He _ a Walkman. 2. This country _ a warm climate. 3. My friends _ a nice party last Sunday. 4. My father _ a mobile phone when he was forty. 5. They _ a lot of problems next week. Ex. 18. Translate the following sentences into English: 1. У Петра і Ганни двоє дітей. 2. У мене є хороший план. 3. У нього було багато друзів. 4. У моїй книжці буде чотири розділи. 5. У нього буде важкий день. 6. У нас багато вільного часу. Ex. 19. Familiarize yourself with the data of the following table: PRONOUN
MODEL: I read her an interesting book. He reads an interesting book to her. It is your book. This book is yours. Ex. 20. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns: 1. _ am a first-year student at the Polytechnic Institute. 2. My family is not very large, _ consists of 3 persons. 3. My mother is a doctor. _ works in the hospital. 4. My father is an operator of the electronic computers. _ works at the plant. 5. My friends study at the University. _ are in their third year. 6. Have _ got any relatives? 7. My aunt has two sons. _ are twins. Ex. 21. Put personal pronouns in brackets in the objective case: 1. My friend sends (I) a lot of messages. 2. His brother knows (she) well. 3. I often see (they) in the park. 4. Don’t ask (he) about his wife. 5. Do you know Italian? – No, I don’t know (it) at all. 6. Sometimes we meet (she) at the Browns. 7. Our mother greets (we) every morning. 8. Your son studies together with (she), doesn’t he? Ex. 22. Insert possessive pronouns: 1.We have _ English classes twice a week. 2. She likes _ new dress very much. 3. Paul keeps _ books in the book-case. 4. I usually go to see _ friends in the evening. 5. They often take _ children to this park. 6. Do you help _ parents? 7. The film is very interesting but I don’t remember _ title. 8. Mary is an accountant. She does _ work well. 9. Mr. Wilson is in _ office now. 10. Peter and Ann teach _ children music. Ex. 23. Use the absolute form of possessive pronouns instead of the conjoint in the following word-combinations according to the model: MODEL: This isher advice. – This advice is hers. 1. This is my friend. 2. We like his jokes. Her jokes are not so interesting as_. 3. She likes their hostel. Her hostel is not so comfortable as _. 4. Their knowledge is deep. My knowledge is not so deep as_.
Ex. 24. Read VOCABULARY and memorize new words. Ex. 25. Insert the missing letters: Sk_lled; med_cine; c_nsist of; s_bject; therap_utist; Anato_y; B_ology; C_emistry, hea_t; rem_dy; dis_ase; kno_ledge.
Ex. 26. Translate the following word-combinations into Ukrainian: To work as a therapeutist, hostel, full-time job, bad painter, skilled doctor, deep knowledge, particular field of medicine, prominent scientist, protection of the health, it consists of, to make abstracts.
Ex. 27. Read the following words and word-combinations: First-year student; care for medicine; because; academy; healthy; science; German; designer; therapeutist; hostel; pass; whole; Physics; Biology; competition; classes; physical; disease; listen to; fellow-students; rather; awful; practical; Histology; Chemistry; lecturer; attentively; laboratory; knowledge; hostel; literature; come; often.
Ex. 28. Read the following text: I AM A MEDICAL STUDENT
We study Anatomy So, I care for medicine and I am going to be a doctor. Medical students must remember that it is not easy to be a good specialist. A good doctor must have not only deep knowledge of a particular field of medicine. He must love people and have a kind heart. One of the prominent therapeutists professor Konchalovsky considers that a person may be a poor writer, he may be a bad painter or an actor but a person cannot and must not be a bad doctor. As for my family it is neither big nor small. There are five persons in it. I have my father, mother, brother, and sister. My father’s name is Ivan Petrovich. He is 42 years old. He is a stomatologist. He has a full-time job. My mother’s name is Olga Ivanivna. She is a skilled doctor. She has a good reputation in the hospital. My brother’s name is Oleg. He is 13 years old. He is doing very well at school. He studies French and German there. My elder sister Helen is 25 years old. She is a designer by profession. She is married. She has a husband and a son. I don’t live with my family at this moment. I live in a students' hostel. Now my relatives live not far from Odesa. They have a flat of their own in a block of flats. I miss my parents because I love them very much. My working day begins early because the classes start at half past 8. So, I get up at 7 о'clock. First of all I make my bed, do my morning exercises and go to the bathroom where I brush my teeth and wash. As I am a medical student I consider that physical exercises are “a good remedy” for the protection of my health against diseases. At about half past 7 I have breakfast, which usually consists of a cup of coffee or tea and a sandwich. During breakfast I listen to the news or music on the radio. I live not far from the academy. It takes me about 15 minutes to get there. I go on foot. My fellow-students who live rather far must take a bus, or trolley bus. City traffic is awful in the morning! As a rule we have several practical classes and a lecture. We study many subjects, such as Anatomy, Histology, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, History of Medicine, Latin, and English. Our studies are rather difficult. The most difficult subject for me is Anatomy, but I work hard on it. When the classes are over I go home (to the hostel). I have dinner and rest a little. Then I read textbooks and additional medical literature, make abstracts, and do some exercises. When I have spare time I watch TV, listen to the music or visit my friends or they come to visit me. I have a lot of friends and we often spend free time together, especially on Sundays. At 11 o'clock I go to bed. As I work hard I do sleep well. Ex. 29. Translate the text "I am a Medical Student" into Ukrainian. Ex. 30. Answer the following questions: 1. How old are you? 2. What would you like to be? 3. Where are you from? 4. When and where were you born? 5. How many persons are there in your family? 6. What is your mother’s name? 7. What is your father’s name? 8. How old is your father? 9. What is your mother’s occupation? 10. What is your father doing for living? 11. Do you have brothers or sisters? 12. How old are your sisters and brothers? 13. How many children does your sister/brother have? 14. When does your working day begin? 15. What do you do in the morning? 16. When do you leave your home? 17. How many classes do you have every day? 18. What subjects do you study? 19. What do you do after classes? 20. When do you go to bed? Ex. 31. Insert the missing words: My working day begins _ 7 о 'clock. I _ my bed and go to the _ where I brush my teeth and wash. At half past 7 I _ breakfast. Then I _ home and go to the Academy. We have several practical _ and a lecture every day. We study many subjects, such as _, Histology, Chemistry, _, Biology, _, Latin, and English. Our studies are _. When the classes are _ I go home. I _ text-books, make abstracts and do some _. When I have free _ I watch TV or listen _ the music. At 11 o'clock I _ to bed. Ex. 32. Translate into English: 1. Прізвище цього лікаря – Сидоренко. Йому 35 років. Він – лікар обласної лікарні. 2. Ганна Павленко – професор. Їй близько 40 років. Вона – відомий терапевт. 3. Цей англієць – містер Браун. Він – досвідчений фахівець. 4. Олені 25 років. Вона заміжня. Олена – кваліфікований і енергійний фахівець. 5. Мій робочий день розпочинається о 6 ранку. 6. Я прокидаюся, умиваюся, снідаю та йду до академії. 7. Наші заняття розпочинаються о 8.30. 8. У мене щодня дві лекції і одне практичне заняття. 9. Ми вивчаємо анатомію, фізіологію, біологію, гістологію та інші предмети. 10. На лекціях я уважно слухаю лектора і конспектую новий матеріал. 11. Найскладніший предмет для мене – анатомія, але я багато над ним працюю. 12. Мені потрібні глибокі знання з багатьох спеціальних предметів. Це дуже важливо для моєї майбутньої роботи. 13. Після занять я йду додому та трохи відпочиваю. 14. Увечері я готуюся до практичних занять і читаю матеріал, необхідний для майбутньої лекції. Ex. 33. Fill out the form: Personal Information Sheet
Ex. 34:
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