Who does the following activities? 

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Who does the following activities?

Who Helen Ann both
studies at the university?     ü
organizes time wisely?      
winds two alarm-clocks?      
is an early bird?      
is always in time for classes?      
has a snack at the university café?      
comes home tired?      
sits up late doing homework?      
works out in the gym at the weekend?      
goes to a concert or a play?      
dreams of becoming well-organized?      

Answer the questions about your personal habits and see how consistent and organized you are.

ü Do you always get up at the same time on week days?

ü Do you use an alarm clock every morning?

ü Do you get up as soon as you wake up?

ü Do you do morning exercises regularly?

ü Do you make the bed before or after you have breakfast?

ü Do you have breakfast before or after you get dressed?

ü Do you always have meals at the same time and at the same place?

ü Do you use a diary or calendar to arrange your life?

ü Are you ever late for classes? appointments? dates?

ü Do you go to bed at a fixed time or do you wait until you are tired?

ü Do you undress before you brush your teeth at night?

ü Before you go to sleep, do you usually read in bed?


Describe your ordinary day.


Present Simple Tense

Fill in all the gaps (use the verbs in parentheses in Present Simple).

This restaurant is called "Vienna". Ten people _____ (to work) here. Julia Thomas is the owner. She _____ (to go) to the restaurant at four o'clock in the afternoon. The waiters _____ (to arrive) at half past four. They _____ (to set) the tables and _____ (to tidy) the kitchen. The chef, Pièrre Rousseau, _____ (to come) at five o'clock. He _____ (to prepare) the food for the evening. The restaurant _____ (to open) at six o'clock. Many people _____ (to eat) here because the food is very good. The restaurant _____ (to close) at one o'clock in the morning, and at half past one Julia, the chef and the waiters _____ (to go) home.


17. Use the verbs from the box below to fill in the spaces in the letter which Sara writes to Jackie. Be careful of the third person "s"!

play like work want ( x 2) say have come go ( x 2) meet live


Hi Jackie,

How are you? I'm very well. I (1) _____ to tell you something about the person who (2) _____ with me here in my apartment.

His name is Mike and he (3) _____ from Canada. He is 27 and he (4) _____ in a big hotel near the center of the city. He really (5) _____ his job and he (6) _____ it because he (7) _____ a lot of new people every day from many different countries.

On the weekend, he (8) _____ swimming and sometimes we (9) _____ tennis or (10)_____ windsurfing together. He (11) _____ a very pretty girlfriend called Janet and they (12) _____ to get married next year!

OK, that's enough for now. Write soon.


18. Complete the sentences using the verb in parentheses in the negative form.

1) He _____ (like) his job, it's boring.

2) They _____ (live) in a small flat.

3) She _____ (study) German on Mondays.

4) I _____ (eat) breakfast at 8.00 am.

5) I _____ (work) far from home.

6) We _____ (use) computers.

7) They're not very good students, they _____ (do) their homework.

8) He _____ (walk) to work, he always drives.

9) Mr Bean _____ (teach) German in London.

10) His students _____ (speak) German in class.

You are asking somebody questions. Write questions with do / does.

1) I work hard. And you? Do you work hard?

2) I play tennis. And your sister? Does she play tennis?

3) I smoke. And your father?

4) I want to be an engineer-technologist. And you?

5) I like hot weather. And you?

6) I go in for sport. And your friends?

7) I like to get up early. And you?

8) I learn English. And your brother?

Put questions to the italicised words.

1) My friend lives in Kharkiv.

2) His son knows English well.

3) This man works at a big plant.

4) It takes me fifteen minutes to get to the University.

5) My father leaves home for work at seven o’clock in the morning.

6) Kate sings well.

7) Farmers have a lot of work to do in autumn.

8) They are in the village.

9) I usually have my dinner at the canteen.

10) Our farmers grow wheat.

21. Complete the sentences using the verb in parentheses.

1) The swimming pool _____ (open) at 9:00 and _____ (close) at 6:30 every day.

2) What time _____ (the banks/close) here?

3) I have a car, but I _____ (not/use) it very often.

4) How many cigarettes _____ (you/smoke) a day?

5) "What _____ (you/do)?" "I'm an electrical engineer".

6) "Where _____ (your father/come) from?" - "He _____ (come) from Mexico".

7) It _____ (take) me an hour to get to work. How long _____ (it/take) you?

8) I _____ (play) the piano, but I _____ (not/play) very well.

9) I never _____ (drink) coffee.

10) Bad driving _____ (cause) many accidents.

22. Put the frequency adverbs in the correct "mid-position".

MODEL: I have a shower in the mornings (always). - I always have a shower in the mornings.

1) I go roller skating in the park at the weekends (sometimes).

2) Do you catch the train to work (always)?

3) He writes good newspaper articles (never).

4) Mary is late for work (occasionally).

5) There is a lot of traffic early in the morning (hardly ever).

6) Does she go abroad for her holidays (usually)?

7) We don't listen to the radio (never).

8) I can't find time for my work (always).

9) We play squash at the weekend (often).

10) I'm hungry just before dinner (always).


Unit 4 My University
  Vocabulary in Use Sumy National Agrarian University My First Days of Student Life Language Focus Much/many/little/few. Some/any/no

Vocabulary In Use

1. Find the Ukrainian equivalents in the right-hand column for the following:

1) associate professor 2) dean’s office 3) head of department 4) lecturer 5) crib 6) record book 7)students’ membership card 8) tutor a) залікова книжка b) деканат c) доцент d) куратор e) студентський квиток f) викладач g) шпаргалка h) завідувач кафедри


2. Match the terms with their definitions. Use a dictionary to help you if necessary:

1) rector 2) dean 3) university 4) faculty 5) campus 6) curriculum 7) vacation


a) the subjects that are included in the course of study

b) a department or group of related departments in a university

c) a person who is in charge of a university

d) a period of time when university is closed

e) the buildings of a university and the land around them

f) an institution at the highest level of education where one can study for a degree or do research

g) a person in a university who is in charge of a faculty


3. Match the words with similar meanings:

hall of residence holidays department semester freshman scholarship student thesis undergraduate chair hostel first-year student dissertation term grant vacation


Complete the sentences with the proper words from the list.

grants dean faculties universities vacation the 1st of September examinations rector


1) There are many _____ in Ukraine.

2) The head of a university is _____.

3) Usually there are several _____ in a university.

4) Each faculty is headed by _____.

5) The academic year in this country’s higher schools begins on _____.

6) Students take _____ at the end of each term.

7) If the results of the examinations are good, students get _____.

8) Twice a year students have _____ - two weeks in winter and two months in summer.

Fill in the correct word.

1) I could get a job as a secondary school _____ now, but I want to continue studying to become a university _____. (teacher / lecturer)

2) Biology is my favourite _____, but today’s _____ wasn’t very interesting. (lesson / subject)

3) My brother’s school has only 500 _____ but there are over 3,000 _____ at my university. (pupils / students)

4) Frank got good _____ in all of his entrance exams, so he was admitted to the university to do a _____. (grades / degree)

5) There will be no lectures during the last _____ of my history _____ as we are expected to study for exams then. (course / term)

6) I got an extra _____ for the report, so my final _____ for the term was 90 out of 100! (point / mark)


6. Remember the following phrases and use them in your own sentences:

to get on well (in/at smth) – добре встигати;

to keep pace with - триматися на рівні з, не відставати;

to lag behind – відставати;

to graduate from a university – закінчити університет;

to have a goof command of smth – добре володіти чимось;

to read up for exams – готуватися до іспитів;

to pass an examination – скласти іспит;

to fail an examination in smth – провалитися на іспиті з;

to devote much time to smth – присвячувати багато часу чомусь;

to combine studies with work – поєднувати навчання з роботою.


READING AND speaking

Read and translate the following text.


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