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tam anvadhāvad bhagavad-rathāṅgaṁ


tam anvadhāvad bhagavad-rathāṅgaṁ

dāvāgnir uddhūta-śikho yathāhim

tathānuṣaktaṁ munir īkṣamāṇo

guhāṁ vivikṣuḥ prasasāra meroḥ

As the blazing flames of a forest fire pursue a snake, the disc of the Supreme Lord began following Durvāsā Muni. Durvāsā Muni, seeing that the disc was almost attached to his back, ran very swiftly, desiring to enter a cave of Sumeru Mountain.

Anaṣaktam means it was as if attached to his back.

|| 9.4.51 ||

diśo nabhaḥ kṣmāṁ vivarān samudrān

lokān sapālāṁs tridivaṁ gataḥ saḥ

yato yato dhāvati tatra tatra

sudarśanaṁ duṣprasahaṁ dadarśa

Durvāsā fled everywhere, in all directions—in the sky, on the surface of the earth, in space, in the ocean, on different planets of the rulers of the three worlds, and even on Svargas—but wherever he went he saw the unbearable fire of the Sudarśana cakra.

|| 9.4.52 ||

alabdha-nāthaḥ sa sadā kutaścit

santrasta-citto 'raṇam eṣamāṇaḥ

devaṁ viriñcaṁ samagād vidhātas

trāhy ātma-yone 'jita-tejaso mām

With a fearful heart, without protection, Durvāsā, seeking shelter, finally approached Lord Brahmā and said, "O my lord, O Lord Brahmā! Protect me from the blazing Sudarśana cakra of the Lord."

Durvāsā was seeking shelter (araṇam).

|| 9.4.53-54 ||


sthānaṁ madīyaṁ saha-viśvam etat

krīḍāvasāne dvi-parārdha-saṁjñe

bhrū-bhaṅga-mātreṇa hi sandidhakṣoḥ

kālātmano yasya tirobhaviṣyati

ahaṁ bhavo dakṣa-bhṛgu-pradhānāḥ


sarve vayaṁ yan-niyamaṁ prapannā

mūrdhnyārpitaṁ loka-hitaṁ vahāmaḥ

Lord Brahmā said: At the end of my life when the pastimes of the Lord come to an end, Lord Viṣṇu, through time, by a movement of his eyebrows, vanquishes the entire universe, including our places of residence. I, Lord Śiva, as well as Dakṣa, Bhṛgu and Prajāpatis, and also the rulers of the living entities, and the rulers of the devatās—all of us surrender to Viṣṇu, whose orders we carry on our heads for the benefit of all living entities.

The Lord who has the form of time, at the time of two parārdhas, destroys the universe through time. Surrendered, we carry his order on our heads so that the worlds may benefit. Therefore I cannot protect you, since you have offended his devotee.

|| 9.4.55 ||


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