khanīnetro 'sya dhārmikaḥ
khanīnetro 'sya dhārmikaḥ
karandhamo mahārāja
tasyāsīd ātmajo nṛpa
The son of Viviṁśati was Rambha, whose son was religious King Khanīnetra. O King, the son of Khanīnetra was King Karandhama.
|| 9.2.26 ||
tasyāvīkṣit suto yasya
maruttaś cakravarty abhūt
saṁvarto 'yājayad yaṁ vai
mahā-yogy aṅgiraḥ-sutaḥ
From Karandhama came a son named Avīkṣit, and from Avīkṣit a son named Marutta, who became the emperor. The great mystic Saṁvarta, the son of Aṅgirā, engaged Marutta in performing a sacrifice.
|| 9.2.27 ||
maruttasya yathā yajño
na tathānyo 'sti kaścana
sarvaṁ hiraṇmayaṁ tv āsīd
yat kiñcic cāsya śobhanam
The sacrificial paraphernalia of King Marutta was extremely beautiful, for everything was made of gold. No other sacrifice could compare to his.
Whatever utensils he had were made of splendid gold.
|| 9.2.28 ||
amādyad indraḥ somena
dakṣiṇābhir dvijātayaḥ
marutaḥ pariveṣṭāro
viśvedevāḥ sabhā-sadaḥ
In that sacrifice, King Indra was satisfied by drinking soma-rasa. The brāhmaṇas were satisfied by ample contributions. For that sacrifice, the various wind devatās offered foodstuffs, and the Viśvedevas were members of the assembly.
The brāhmaṇas were satisfied with the contributions.
|| 9.2.29 ||
maruttasya damaḥ putras
tasyāsīd rājyavardhanaḥ
sudhṛtis tat-suto jajñe
saudhṛteyo naraḥ sutaḥ
Marutta's son was Dama, Dama's son was Rājyavardhana, Rājyavardhana's son was Sudhṛti, and his son was Nara.
|| 9.2.30||
tat-sutaḥ kevalas tasmād
dhundhumān vegavāṁs tataḥ
budhas tasyābhavad yasya
tṛṇabindur mahīpatiḥ
The son of Nara was Kevala, and his son was Dhundhumān, whose son was Vegavān. Vegavān's son was Budha, and Budha's son was the great king Tṛṇabindu.
|| 9.2.31 ||
taṁ bheje 'lambuṣā devī