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bhārgavasya viceṣṭitam
bhārgavasya viceṣṭitam
vyaktaṁ kenāpi nas tasya
kṛtam āśrama-dūṣaṇam
You have committed some offense to Cyavana. It is certain that someone among us must have done something to pollute his hermitage.
You have committed (vicestitam) some offense. Someone among us must have committed an offense.
|| 9.3.7 ||
sukanyā prāha pitaraṁ
bhītā kiñcit kṛtaṁ mayā
dve jyotiṣī ajānantyā
nirbhinne kaṇṭakena vai
The frightened Sukanyā said to her father: I have done something wrong, for I have ignorantly pierced two luminous objects with a thorn.
|| 9.3.8 ||
duhitus tad vacaḥ śrutvā
śaryātir jāta-sādhvasaḥ
muniṁ prasādayām āsa
valmīkāntarhitaṁ śanaiḥ
After hearing this statement by his daughter, King Śaryāti became afraid. In various ways, he tried to appease Cyavana Muni, who was within the hole of anthill.
|| 9.3.9 ||
tad-abhiprāyam ājñāya
prādād duhitaraṁ muneḥ
kṛcchrān muktas tam āmantrya
puraṁ prāyāt samāhitaḥ
With controlled mind, King Śaryāti, understanding Cyavana Muni's purpose, gave his daughter in charity to the sage. Thus released from danger with great difficulty, he took permission from Cyavana Muni and returned home.
He said, “Please of forgive my foolish daughter.” “Is your daughter married or not?” Understanding his desire by that question, he gave his daughter in marriage to the sage.
|| 9.3.10 ||
sukanyā cyavanaṁ prāpya
patiṁ parama-kopanam
prīṇayām āsa citta-jñā
Cyavana was very irritable, but since Sukanyā had gotten him as her husband, she satisfied him. Knowing his mind, she performed service to him with attention.
|| 9.3.11||
kasyacit tv atha kālasya
nāsatyāv āśramāgatau