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paraṁ brahmeti śabditam


madīyaṁ mahimānaṁ ca

paraṁ brahmeti śabditam

vetsyasy anugṛhītaṁ me

sampraśnair vivṛtaṁ hṛdi

By my mercy, you will realize my power known as the impersonal Brahman, which will be disclosed in your heart through questions and answers.

Let us return to the topic. Since you associate with ātmārāmas, the desire to experience Brahman arises in your heart. By my mercy, that desire will be fulfilled. That is expressed in this verse. You will realize that power of mine indicated by the word Brahman which is one of my qualities, the all-pervading form without qualities, revealed to you by my mercy. What is the need to endeavor for jñāna, since it is possible for me to give it because that Brahman belongs to me? “By what method will you be merciful to me?” By your questions and my answers to you, it will be disclosed in your heart. Brahman, which cannot be defined even by me, will be understood by your strength. Just as I give perception of material objects to the jīvas by creating intelligence and senses, I will give you your own ability to perceive Brahman.

|| 8.24.39 ||

ittham ādiśya rājānaṁ

harir antaradhīyata

so 'nvavaikṣata taṁ kālaṁ

yaṁ hṛṣīkeśa ādiśat

After thus instructing the King, the Lord disappeared. Then King Satyavrata began to wait for the time which the Lord had indicated.

|| 8.24.40 ||

āstīrya darbhān prāk-kūlān

rājarṣiḥ prāg-udaṅ-mukhaḥ

niṣasāda hareḥ pādau

cintayan matsya-rūpiṇaḥ

After spreading kuśa with its tips pointing east, the saintly King, facing the northeast, sat down on the grass and began to meditate upon the Lord in the form of a fish.

He faced in the north-eastern direction.

|| 8.24.41 ||

tataḥ samudra udvelaḥ


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