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kanyā celavilābhavat



varāpsarā yataḥ putrāḥ

kanyā celavilābhavat

The best of the Apsarās, named Alambuṣā, accepted the similarly qualified Tṛṇabindu as her husband. She gave birth to a few sons and a daughter known as Ilavilā.

From her there were sons like Viśāla.

|| 9.2.32 ||

yasyām utpādayām āsa

viśravā dhanadaṁ sutam

prādāya vidyāṁ paramām

ṛṣir yogeśvaraḥ pituḥ

After the great saint Viśravā, the master of mystic yoga, received absolute knowledge from his father, he begot in the womb of Ilavilā the greatly celebrated son known as Kuvera, the giver of money.

Receiving the highest knowledge from his father, he begot Ilavilā.

|| 9.2.33 ||

viśālaḥ śūnyabandhuś ca

dhūmraketuś ca tat-sutāḥ

viśālo vaṁśa-kṛd rājā

vaiśālīṁ nirmame purīm

Tṛṇabindu had three sons, named Viśāla, Śūnyabandhu and Dhūmraketu. Among these three, Viśāla created a dynasty and constructed a city called Vaiśālī.

Of Tṛṇabindhu (tasya) there were three sons.

|| 9.2.34 ||

hemacandraḥ sutas tasya

dhūmrākṣas tasya cātmajaḥ

tat-putrāt saṁyamād āsīt

kṛśāśvaḥ saha-devajaḥ

The son of Viśāla was known as Hemacandra, his son was Dhūmrākṣa, and his son was Saṁyama, whose sons were Devaja and Kṛśāśva.

|| 9.2.35-36 ||

kṛśāśvāt somadatto 'bhūd

yo 'śvamedhair iḍaspatim

iṣṭvā puruṣam āpāgryāṁ

gatiṁ yogeśvarāśritām

saumadattis tu sumatis

tat-putro janamejayaḥ

ete vaiśāla-bhūpālās

tṛṇabindor yaśodharāḥ

The son of Kṛśāśva was Somadatta, who, by aśvamedha sacrifices, worshipped the Supreme lord and achieved the most exalted post, attained by the best of yogīs. The son of Somadatta was Sumati, whose son was Janamejaya. All these kings appearing in the dynasty of Viśāla properly maintained the celebrated position of King Tṛṇabindu.

Thus ends the commentary on the Second Chapter of the Ninth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.

Chapter Three


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