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yo 'sau satyavrato nāma. rājarṣir draviḍeśvaraḥ. jñānaṁ yo 'tīta-kalpānte. lebhe puruṣa-sevayā. sa vai vivasvataḥ putro. manur āsīd iti śrutam. tvattas tasya sut&


yo 'sau satyavrato nāma

rājarṣir draviḍeśvaraḥ

jñānaṁ yo 'tīta-kalpānte

lebhe puruṣa-sevayā

sa vai vivasvataḥ putro

manur āsīd iti śrutam

tvattas tasya sutāḥ proktā

ikṣvāku-pramukhā nṛpāḥ

Satyavrata, the saintly king of Draviḍadeśa who received spiritual knowledge at the end of the last Manvantara by the grace of the Lord, later became Vaivasvata Manu, the son of Vivasvān. I have received this knowledge from you. I also understand that such kings as Ikṣvāku were his sons, as you have already explained.

Atīta-kalpānte means at the end of the last Manvantara (Cākṣuṣa).


|| 9.1.4 ||

teṣāṁ vaṁśaṁ pṛthag brahman

vaṁśānucaritāni ca

kīrtayasva mahā-bhāga

nityaṁ śuśrūṣatāṁ hi naḥ

O greatly fortunate one! O great brāhmaṇa! Describe to us separately the dynasties and characteristics of those kings, for we are always eager to hear such topics from you.

|| 9.1.5 ||

ye bhūtā ye bhaviṣyāś ca

bhavanty adyatanāś ca ye

teṣāṁ naḥ puṇya-kīrtīnāṁ

sarveṣāṁ vada vikramān

Kindly tell us about the abilities of all the celebrated kings born in the dynasty of Vaivasvata Manu, including those who have already passed, those who may appear in the future, and those who exist at present.

|| 9.1.6 ||

śrī-sūta uvāca

evaṁ parīkṣitā rājñā

sadasi brahma-vādinām

pṛṣṭaḥ provāca bhagavāñ

chukaḥ parama-dharma-vit

Sūta Gosvāmī said: When Śukadeva Gosvāmī, the greatest knower of religious principles, was thus requested by Mahārāja Parīkṣit in the assembly of all the scholars learned in Vedic knowledge, he then spoke.

|| 9.1.7 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

śrūyatāṁ mānavo vaṁśaḥ

prācuryeṇa parantapa

na śakyate vistarato

vaktuṁ varṣa-śatair api

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: O King, subduer of your enemies! Hear from me in detail about the dynasty of Manu. It is not possible to speak everything, even in hundreds of years.

|| 9.1.8 ||

parāvareṣāṁ bhūtānām


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