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sa itthaṁ bhakti-yogena. tapo-yuktena pārthivaḥ. sva-dharmeṇa hariṁ prīṇan. sarvān kāmān śanair jahau. Mahārāja Ambarīṣa, thus satisfying the Lord by devotional service as hi


sa itthaṁ bhakti-yogena

tapo-yuktena pārthivaḥ

sva-dharmeṇa hariṁ prīṇan

sarvān kāmān śanair jahau

Mahārāja Ambarīṣa, thus satisfying the Lord by devotional service as his main duty along with devotion vows, gradually gave up all material desires.


Tapas or austerity refers to giving up enjoyment, tolerating difficulties of the body, by cleaning the temple, carrying water pots to the Lord, and serving Vaiṣṇavas. Svadharmena modifies bhakti-yogena since the word ca is not used to indicate another item and since Ambarīṣa practiced pure bhakti without karma. His pure bhakti will be described in the next verses.



|| 9.4.27 ||

gṛheṣu dāreṣu suteṣu bandhuṣu



ananta-kośeṣv akarod asan-matim

Mahārāja Ambarīṣa, considering them temporary, gave up all attachment to houses, wives, children, friends and relatives, to the best elephants, to chariots, to horses, to inexhaustible jewels, to ornaments, to garments and to an inexhaustible treasury.

|| 9.4.28 ||

tasmā adād dhariś cakraṁ



prīto bhaktābhirakṣaṇam

Being pleased by the unalloyed devotion of Mahārāja Ambarīṣa, the Supreme Lord gave the King his disc, which is fearful to enemies and protects the devotees.

“How could he defeat enemies if he acted in this way?” The Lord protected him in order that his bhakti would not be disturbed.

|| 9.4.29 ||

ārirādhayiṣuḥ kṛṣṇaṁ

mahiṣyā tulya-śīlayā

yuktaḥ sāṁvatsaraṁ vīro

dadhāra dvādaśī-vratam

Desiring to worship Lord Kṛṣṇa, Mahārāja Ambarīṣa, along with his queen, who was equally qualified, observed the vow of Dvādaśī for one year.

By showing his devotion to the Ekadaśī vow, he shows Ambarīṣa’s steady bhakti.


|| 9.4.30 ||

vratānte kārtike māsi


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