bhaktyā viṣṇoḥ prasādataḥ 

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bhaktyā viṣṇoḥ prasādataḥ


bhaktyā viṣṇoḥ prasādataḥ


By the grace of the Lord, people who with devotion hear about the activities of Mahārāja Ambarīṣa, the great devotee, certainly become liberated by the mercy of Viṣṇu.


Thus ends the commentary on the Fifth Chapter of the Ninth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.


Chapter Six

The Descendents of Ikṣvāku

|| 9.6.1 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

virūpaḥ ketumāñ chambhur

ambarīṣa-sutās trayaḥ

virūpāt pṛṣadaśvo 'bhūt

tat-putras tu rathītaraḥ

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Ambarīṣa had three sons, named Virūpa, Ketumān and Śambhu. From Virūpa came a son named Pṛṣadaśva, and from Pṛṣadaśva came a son named Rathītara.

The Sixth Chapter tells the stories of Śaśāda, Indravāha, Yuvanāśva, Māndhātā and the astonishing story of sage Saubhari.

|| 9.6.2 ||


bhāryāyāṁ tantave 'rthitaḥ

aṅgirā janayām āsa

brahma-varcasvinaḥ sutān

Rathītara had no sons, and therefore he requested the great sage Aṅgirā to beget sons for him. Because of this request, Aṅgirā begot sons with brahminical prowess in the womb of Rathītara's wife.

Tantave means “for producing children.”

|| 9.6.3 ||

ete kṣetra-prasūtā vai

punas tv āṅgirasāḥ smṛtāḥ

rathītarāṇāṁ pravarāḥ

kṣetropetā dvi-jātayaḥ

Having been born from the womb of Rathītara's wife, all these sons were known as the dynasty of Rathītara, but because they were born from the semen of Aṅgirā, they were also known as the dynasty of Aṅgirā. Among all the progeny of Rathītara’s line, these sons were the most prominent because, owing to their birth, they were considered brāhmaṇas.

Because of being born in Rathītara’s wife they were part of Rathītara’s line. Because they were born from Aṅgirā’s semen they were part of his lineage. They were famous as Rathītara’s sons because of being born in his wife, but they were considered brāhmaṇas. They can be described as having two lineages.

|| 9.6.4 ||

kṣuvatas tu manor jajñe


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