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Chapter Eight. Kapila Destroys Sagara’s Sons. rī-śuka uvāca. harito rohita-sutaś. campas tasmād vinirmitā. campāpurī sudevo 'to. vijayo yasya cātmajaḥ. ukadeva Gosvāmī said: The son of Rohita wa


Chapter Eight

Kapila Destroys Sagara’s Sons

|| 9.8.1 ||

śrī-śuka uvāca

harito rohita-sutaś

campas tasmād vinirmitā

campāpurī sudevo 'to

vijayo yasya cātmajaḥ

Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: The son of Rohita was Harita, and Harita's son was Campa, who constructed the town of Campāpurī. The son of Campa was Sudeva, and his son was Vijaya.

The Eighth Chapter tells the story of King Sagara, how his sons were destroyed by committing offense to Kapila and how Amśumān pleased him and brought the sacrifice horse back to the city. The city of Campā-purī was built by Harita. From him Sudeva was born. 

|| 9.8.2 ||

bharukas tat-sutas tasmād

vṛkas tasyāpi bāhukaḥ

so 'ribhir hṛta-bhū rājā

sabhāryo vanam āviśat

The son of Vijaya was Bharuka, Bharuka's son was Vṛka, and Vṛka's son was Bāhuka. When the enemies of King Bāhuka took away all his land, he entered the forest with his wife.

|| 9.8.3 ||

vṛddhaṁ taṁ pañcatāṁ prāptaṁ

mahiṣy anumariṣyatī

aurveṇa jānatātmānaṁ

prajāvantaṁ nivāritā

Bāhuka died when he was old, and one of his wives wanted to die with him. At that time, however, the sage Aurva, knowing her to be pregnant, forbade her to die.

She was forbidden by the sage who knew her to be pregnant (prajāvantam).

|| 9.8.4 ||

ājñāyāsyai sapatnībhir

garo datto 'ndhasā saha

saha tenaiva sañjātaḥ

sagarākhyo mahā-yaśāḥ

sagaraś cakravarty āsīt

sāgaro yat-sutaiḥ kṛtaḥ

Knowing that she was pregnant, the co-wives of the wife of Bāhuka gave her poison with her food. The famous son was born along with the poison. Therefore he became famous as Sagara, "one who is born with poison". Sagara later became the emperor. His sons dug up the ocean.

They gave her poison with her food (andhasā).

|| 9.8.5-6 ||

yas tālajaṅghān yavanāñ


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