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yan-nimittam abhūd yuddhaṁ

pakṣiṇor bahu-vārṣikam

The son of Triśaṅku was Hariścandra. Because of Hariścandra there was a quarrel between Viśvāmitra and Vasiṣṭha, who for many years fought one another, having been transformed into birds.

Viśvāmitra stole everything belonging to Hariścandra on the pretext of taking donations at a Rājasūya sacrifice. Hearing this, Vaśiṣṭha became angry and cursed him to become an āḍi bird. Viśvāmitra cursed him to become a crane. Then they fought.

|| 9.7.8 ||

so 'napatyo viṣaṇṇātmā


varuṇaṁ śaraṇaṁ yātaḥ

putro me jāyatāṁ prabho

Hariścandra had no son and was therefore extremely morose. Once, therefore, following the advice of Nārada, he took shelter of Varuṇa and said to him "My lord! Please give me a son."

Saḥ refers to Hariścandra.

|| 9.7.9 ||

yadi vīro mahārāja

tenaiva tvāṁ yaje iti

tatheti varuṇenāsya

putro jātas tu rohitaḥ

O King Parīkṣit! Hariścandra begged Varuṇa, "My lord, if a son is born to me, with that son as an offering I shall perform a sacrifice to you." Varuṇa agreed. Because of Varuṇa's benediction, Hariścandra begot a son named Rohita.

Tatheti varuṇena means “because of Varuṇa who had agreed to give a boon.”

|| 9.7.10 ||

jātaḥ suto hy anenāṅga

māṁ yajasveti so 'bravīt

yadā paśur nirdaśaḥ syād

atha medhyo bhaved iti

Thereafter, Varuṇa said, “A son has been born. With this son you can offer me a sacrifice." In answer to this, Hariścandra said, "After ten days have passed since an animal's birth, the animal becomes fit to be sacrificed."

Varuṇa spoke. Out of affection for his son, Hariścandra, then spoke to cheat Varuṇa. “After ten days an animal becomes pure.”

|| 9.7.11 ||

nirdaśe ca sa āgatya


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