lokāḥ karmārjitāś ca ye. niveditaṁ ca sarvasvam. tmāviklavayā dhiyā. Bali Mahārāja had offered all land and planets, whatever he has earned by his pious acts. With undisturbed mind, he has offered h
lokāḥ karmārjitāś ca ye
niveditaṁ ca sarvasvam
ātmāviklavayā dhiyā
Bali Mahārāja had offered all land and planets, whatever he has earned by his pious acts. With undisturbed mind, he has offered his body to you.
He has offered his body (ātmā) to you (te).
|| 8.22.23 ||
yat-pādayor aśaṭha-dhīḥ salilaṁ pradāya
dūrvāṅkurair api vidhāya satīṁ saparyām
apy uttamāṁ gatim asau bhajate tri-lokīṁ
dāśvān aviklava-manāḥ katham ārtim ṛcchet
By offering even water, newly grown grass, or flower buds at your lotus feet, by performing excellent worship, a sincere person attains Vaikuṇṭha. This Bali Mahārāja, without duplicity, has offered everything in the three worlds to you. How then can he deserve to suffer from arrest?
His not deserving punishment is expressed by stating the opposite. He deserves much more. All men attain Vaikuṇṭha by offering water. Why then should Bali, by offering the three worlds end up in distress?
|| 8.22.24 ||
śrī-bhagavān uvāca
brahman yam anugṛhṇāmi
tad-viśo vidhunomy aham
yan-madaḥ puruṣaḥ stabdho
lokaṁ māṁ cāvamanyate
The Supreme Lord said: O Brahmā! Intoxicated by wealth, a person becomes arrogant. Thus he has no respect for anyone within the three worlds, not even for me. To such a person I show special favor by taking away all his possessions.
Viśaḥ means wealth. How can taking away wealth be mercy? By wealth a person becomes proud.
|| 8.22.25 ||
yadā kadācij jīvātmā
saṁsaran nija-karmabhiḥ
nānā-yoniṣv anīśo 'yaṁ
pauruṣīṁ gatim āvrajet
While rotating in the cycle of birth and death again and again in different species because of his karma, the dependent living entity, by good fortune, may happen to become a human being.
I am not merciful to all jīvas by taking away their wealth. I do not take from some, and give abundantly to others. Since my mercy is hard for people to understand and of various types, hear about the characteristics of my mercy. Wandering about in various bodies such as worms and insects the dependent jīva attains the human form sometimes.
|| 8.22.26 ||