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yajamānaḥ svayaṁ tasya


yajamānaḥ svayaṁ tasya

śrīmat pāda-yugaṁ mudā

avanijyāvahan mūrdhni

tad apo viśva-pāvanīḥ

Bali Mahārāja jubilantly washed the Lord's lotus feet and then took the water, which purifies the universe, on his head.

|| 8.20.19 ||

tadāsurendraṁ divi devatā-gaṇā


tat karma sarve 'pi gṛṇanta ārjavaṁ

prasūna-varṣair vavṛṣur mudānvitāḥ

At that time, the devatās, the Gandharvas, the Vidyādharas, the Siddhas and the Cāraṇas, praising Bali Mahārāja's simple act, showered upon him flowers with joy.


The devatās praised his sincere act.

|| 8.20.20 ||

nedur muhur dundubhayaḥ sahasraśo

gandharva-kimpūruṣa-kinnarā jaguḥ

manasvinānena kṛtaṁ suduṣkaraṁ

vidvān adād yad ripave jagat-trayam

Thousands of drums sounded. The Gandharvas, the Kimpuruṣas and the Kinnaras sang in great jubilation, declaring, "Exalted Bali Mahārāja has performed a difficult task, since knowingly he gave the Lord the entire three worlds."

|| 8.20.21 ||

tad vāmanaṁ rūpam avardhatādbhutaṁ

harer anantasya guṇa-trayātmakam

bhūḥ khaṁ diśo dyaur vivarāḥ payodhayas

tiryaṅ-nṛ-devā ṛṣayo yad-āsata

The form of the dwarf, the unlimited Lord, containing within himself the whole material realm, within whom existed the land, ether, the directions, Svarga, antarīkṣa, the oceans, animals, humans, devatās and sages, then increased astonishingly. 

Bali previously said that he would give Vāmana whatever he wanted (SB 8.19.38). Therefore the Lord was free to increase his size to take whatever he wanted. Within the Lord existed all of māyā and its products (guṇa-trayātmakam), since he is the controller of all things. Within him (yat) was situated the earth, sky, directions, Svarga and all creatures. 

|| 8.20.22 ||

kāye balis tasya mahā-vibhūteḥ


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