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yajamānaḥ pramudito


yajamānaḥ pramudito

darśanīyaṁ manoramam


tasmā āsanam āharat

Bali, the sponsor, jubilant at seeing Lord Vāmanadeva, whose beautiful limbs contributed equally to the beauty of his entire body, offered him a seat.

|| 8.18.27 ||


pādau bhagavato baliḥ

avanijyārcayām āsa


After welcoming him with kind words, Bali Mahārāja worshiped the Lord who gives pleasure to the liberated souls by washing his feet.

He worshipped the Lord who gives pleasure to the ātmārāmas (mukta-saṅga-manoramam).


|| 8.18.28 ||

tat-pāda-śaucaṁ jana-kalmaṣāpahaṁ

sa dharma-vin mūrdhny adadhāt sumaṅgalam

yad deva-devo giriśaś candra-maulir

dadhāra mūrdhnā parayā ca bhaktyā

Being aware of religious principles, Bali Mahārāja placed on his head the water the Lord's foot water which destroys all sins, and which Śiva, with the moon in his forehead carries on the top of his head with great devotion.

Though Śiva carries the moon on his forehead, he carries the Gaṅgā, the foot water of Vāmana, above that.

|| 8.18.29 ||

śrī-balir uvāca

svāgataṁ te namas tubhyaṁ

brahman kiṁ karavāma te

brahmarṣīṇāṁ tapaḥ sākṣān

manye tvārya vapur-dharam

Bali Mahārāja said: O respectable brāhmaṇa! I offer you a welcome and my respectful obeisances. Please let us know what we may do for you. I think I am seeing with my eyes the personification of austerity of the great brāhmaṇa-sages.

I think you (tvā) are the personification of austerity (vapor-dharam) whom I am seeing directly (sākṣāt).

|| 8.18.30 ||

adya naḥ pitaras tṛptā

adya naḥ pāvitaṁ kulam

adya sviṣṭaḥ kratur ayaṁ

yad bhavān āgato gṛhān

O my Lord! Because you have kindly arrived at our home, all my forefathers are satisfied, our family and entire dynasty have been sanctified, and the sacrifice we are performing is now complete.

|| 8.18.31 ||

adyāgnayo me suhutā yathā-vidhi


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