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hṛdy aṅga dharmaṁ stanayor murārer


hṛdy aṅga dharmaṁ stanayor murārer

ṛtaṁ ca satyaṁ ca manasy athendum

śriyaṁ ca vakṣasy aravinda-hastāṁ

kaṇṭhe ca sāmāni samasta-rephān

indra-pradhānān amarān bhujeṣu

tat-karṇayoḥ kakubho dyauś ca mūrdhni

keśeṣu meghāñ chvasanaṁ nāsikāyām

akṣṇoś ca sūryaṁ vadane ca vahnim

vāṇyāṁ ca chandāṁsi rase jaleśaṁ

bhruvor niṣedhaṁ ca vidhiṁ ca pakṣmasu

ahaś ca rātriṁ ca parasya puṁso

manyuṁ lalāṭe 'dhara eva lobham

sparśe ca kāmaṁ nṛpa retasāmbhaḥ

pṛṣṭhe tv adharmaṁ kramaṇeṣu yajñam

chāyāsu mṛtyuṁ hasite ca māyāṁ

tanū-ruheṣv oṣadhi-jātayaś ca

nadīś ca nāḍīṣu śilā nakheṣu

buddhāv ajaṁ deva-gaṇān ṛṣīṁś ca

prāṇeṣu gātre sthira-jaṅgamāni

sarvāṇi bhūtāni dadarśa vīraḥ

O King! On the heart of Murāri he saw religion; on the chest, both pleasing words and truthfulness; in the mind, the moon; on his chest, the goddess of fortune, with a lotus flower in her hand; on the neck, all the Vedas and all syllables; on the arms, all the devatās, headed by Indra; in both ears, all the directions; on the head, Svarga; on the hair, the clouds; in the nostrils, the wind; on the eyes, the sun; and in the mouth, fire. In his words were all the Vedic verses, on his tongue was Varuṇa, on his eyebrows were the rules and prohibitions, and on the opening and closing of his eyelids were day and night. On his forehead was anger, and on his lips was greed. O King! In his touch were lusty desires, in his semen were all the waters, on his back was irreligion, and in his wonderful activities was the fire of sacrifice. On his shadow was death, in his smile was the illusory energy, and on the hairs of his body were all the drugs and herbs. In his veins were all the rivers, on his nails were all the stones, in his intelligence were Lord Brahmā, the devatās and the sages. Throughout his entire body and senses were all living entities, moving and stationary.

Ṛtam means pleasing words. Samasta-rephān means all the syllables of the alphabet, represented by the R sound. Dyauḥ means Svarga. Rase means “on the tongue.” Pakṣāsu means “on the opening and closing of the eyelids.” Retasā stands for retasī (in the semen). Kramaneṣu means “in his striding.” Oṣadhi-jātayaḥ should be oṣadhi-jātīḥ. Prāṇeṣu means “in the senses.”

|| 8.20.30 ||

sarvātmanīdaṁ bhuvanaṁ nirīkṣya


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