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vacas tavaitaj jana-deva sūnṛtaṁ


vacas tavaitaj jana-deva sūnṛtaṁ

kulocitaṁ dharma-yutaṁ yaśas-karam

yasya pramāṇaṁ bhṛgavaḥ sāmparāye

pitāmahaḥ kula-vṛddhaḥ praśāntaḥ

The Lord said: The words you have spoken are true, worthy of your family, in accordance with dharma and worthy of fame. The proof of your dharma in this life is the Bhṛgu dynasty and the proof of dharma in afterlife is peaceful Prahlāda, your grandfather, who increased your dynasty.


In sixteen verses Vāmana praises the donor, says he will be satisfied with only a little request, and gives instruction to those who beg but desire a lot. The Bhṛgu dynasty is proof of your present dharma and Prahlāda is the proof of your dharma for afterlife. 

|| 8.19.3 ||

na hy etasmin kule kaścin

niḥsattvaḥ kṛpaṇaḥ pumān

pratyākhyātā pratiśrutya

yo vādātā dvijātaye

In your family there are no low persons who refuse to give and no misers who promise to give but do not.

The character of the niḥsattva (low person) is that he refuses to give. The kṛpaṇa is a particular type of niḥsattva. He promises and then does not give. The word indicates he promises and then refuses. 

|| 8.19.4 ||

na santi tīrthe yudhi cārthinārthitāḥ

parāṅmukhā ye tv amanasvino nṛpa

yuṣmat-kule yad yaśasāmalena

prahrāda udbhāti yathoḍupaḥ khe

O King Bali! In your dynasty there has been no low-minded king who, upon being requested, has refused charity to brāhmaṇas or has refused a fight to kṣatriyas. And by their spotless fame, Prahlāda Mahārāja shines like the moon in the sky.

There are no ungenerous (amanasvinaḥ) kings who, being requested for charity, refused. There are no kings who, being requested by kṣatriyas to fight, refused.

|| 8.19.5 ||

yato jāto hiraṇyākṣaś


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